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效果图关键词:主题酒店 酒店景观设计 酒店空间 酒店庭院 景观建筑 主题文化 高档酒店 园林景观设计 效果图
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在体验经济背景下,现代的度假酒店已经不再是单纯向游客提供住宿的场所,而是应该凭借旅游区丰富的自然和人文资源,在整体空间结构和主题场景上,独具匠心地塑造度假酒店独特的环境体验和内部设计,使游客“陷入”我们精心设计的主题情境中,创造值得游客回味的独特体验。如我院设计的豪华水晶大帐酒店,其主体由玻璃钢穹顶和砖石围墙组成,帐内是有溪流穿过,花鲜树翠,四季如春,一副生机盎然的景象。充分表现了“野”与“奢”的结合,实现了高端群体亲近大自然的梦想。1 n) W. m8 l* ]6 z7 `# i
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In the context of the experience economy, modern holiday hotel is no longer simply a place to provide accommodation to tourists, but should rely tourist area rich in natural and human resources, in the overall spatial structure and themes scene, originality to create a unique resort environmental experience and interior design, so that visitors "into" our well-designed themes situation, creating a unique experience worth pondering tourists. As designed by our institute luxury hotels Crystal large accounts, its body made of glass and steel dome and masonry wall composition, there is a stream through the tent, flowers fresh green tree, spring, a lively scene. Fully demonstrated the combination of "wild" and "luxury" to achieve a high-end groups close to nature's dream.: x* `; h+ r4 T& }! {& `
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