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图片关键词: 广场景观 设计平面图 广场 景观平面图 场所 城市广场 商业广场 Landscape design landscape design city square commercial street landscape design landscape design urban public space design广场平面图 广场景观意向 动物园 广场铺装平面图 地面铺装平面图 动物园 小广场平面图 商业街景观平面图 广场平面图 景观广场平面图 铺砖平面图 景观铺装平面图7 H: w3 y) W, o1 G. i G; b" ^. t
平面图适用类型:Landscape design landscape design city square commercial street landscape design landscape design urban public space design节点景观设计 城市广场景观设计 商业街景观设计 城市景观设计 城市公共空间设计 休闲空间景观
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% N2 I9 Y& C4 U/ L- |5 l. Q) tEmmen动物园将迁到位于市中心外的新址。动物园新的入口建筑将与一个新的剧场相结合。前面的空间将变成一个新的城市广场。对于周围像市政厅及商店这类的现有建筑,广场将作为一个功能性的公共空间吸引市民,因此,此广场在Emmen市起到了一个很重要的作用。 地面上现有路及停车设施将迁至地下,留出地上规划空间,面积为2.3公顷。此区域将作为公共空间进行设计。设计计划在新的入口建筑前营造一处活动空间,并配有更多的绿化以及一处水的元素融入。- q* `+ j& t k' ?$ G% U+ h+ T' _
: R3 o: T4 A, C) KWhen the City of Emmen decided to completely move the zoo from the city centre to a new location, they held a design competition for the new urban square which will link the zoo entrance with the city. The square will serve as an attractive public space between the existing buildings housing shops and the city hall and the new zoo entrance with theater and fulfill a central role within the open space structure of the city. The existing parking lots and road will be placed underground in order to provide space for the 2.3 ha square. The city sees the square as a space for events yet full of green and water. The residents of Emmen expressed the need for smaller spaces within the larger area for a variety of uses such as relaxation, recreation, play and meeting. They want a lively green space which will become the beating heart of the city.4 u+ f \9 d2 d% T( X& u
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