% x1 A! L9 G$ r8 n0 K \/ a图片关键词:现代 花卉农业 展览园 园林景观 规划设计 花卉展示博览园 国际 园林花卉 博览园 展馆区 中外园林园艺 花卉展示 大众文化 艺术 建筑 科普 旅游 展览业 公园 现代农业博览园 现代化 生态型 综合性
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9 v5 \! R. ~: p+ U7 ?4 [Park Spatial Structure of a park, nine districts, nine Hall: a modern agriculture Exposition Park; nine districts are the main exhibition hall area, sub pavilion area, Clivia flower display area, display area planted, fruit trees display area, fine animal display area, new rural exhibition area, food area and parking area; nine were the main museum hall, exhibition hall divided, agriculture Expo, aerospace breeding technology demonstration hall, Clivia tissue culture exhibition hall, modern agriculture exhibition hall, rare plants exhibition hall, exhibition and trade Clivia flower shop, flowers and fish shop, it is a high-tech, fully functional and with the net monthly harmonious ecological landscape zone, multifunctional agriculture themed display area
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4 F, C' W, r: g* `( q" N展馆分东西两栋玻璃钢架结构温室大棚,总面积1万平方米,馆内通过竹木廊架分割不同区域,加上不同的景观小品,搭配种植各类来自天南地北的各类新、奇、特的观赏性植物百余种,寓意吴地文韵、农科奇观、创意田园。根据奇瓜异果的生长特性合理布局,东展厅主要种植各类蔬菜、瓜果品种,西展厅主要以各类花卉、热带植物为主。除了各类观赏植物外,还集中展示了无土栽培技术、先进的设施栽培、生态美观的立柱栽培、滴灌栽培等先进技术;这里是一个集休闲、观光、游玩、科普教育的寓教于乐,娱教于人的好场所。
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