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" J- |. s! l# ~6 f* u# i; t图片关键词:树池坐凳 景观意向图 树池 意向图 广场景观创意 特色树池 坐凳设计 意向图 城市 折线构图 城市公共 开放空间 景观设计 意向图 景观意向图 公共空间 步行道 walking path 景观设计 意向图 开放空间 园林 景观 场地 历史文脉 人性设计 景观规划 道路设计 意向图 儿童休闲区 游乐场地 绿色 草坡 几何 构图 空间 步行道 道路景观 休闲景观 活力剧场
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树池坐凳运用现代的材料、技术与手法,营造现代般的“诗情画意”,仿佛沙漠中的绿洲,使生活的现代都市的人们能够唤起对传统的记忆与向往。树池坐凳在传统与现代面前,并没有一味模仿,而是大胆探寻利用现代的景观设计语汇,传达传统园林树池坐凳的内在精神。现代面前,并没有一味模仿,而是大胆探寻利用现代的景观设计语汇,传达传统园林的内在精神。设计对于新型的建筑体与环境之间的融合做了有益的探讨,对于自然基本元素和几何体的提炼、是现代建筑人文思想的很好体现。建筑体和环境的结合是优美的、动人的。' e* ?: C) z j* p7 _% \- S
hrough renovation, the wide straight connection with a clearly delineated beginning and termination underwent a transformation into a kind of sequence of micro-ambients, of locally widened surfaces connected by a slightly twisting narrower path. These instances of widening (in effect squares) feature attractive concrete urban elements (benches) whose careful arrangement slows down the users and provides focus, framing the space for the additional programme content to take place. As the path locally twists along the surrounding buildings, it gives rise to larger contained open spaces, allowing future expansion of the content from the buildings outwards, or the accommodation of other additional content as required over time. In the initial phase, all these newly-formed public spaces are simply and cost-effectively laid out as sand or grass surfaces, with sand surfaces in particular representing a successful middle ground between grass and paved city spaces and allowing a wide range of use with only modest investment.
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