- 使用软件:3ds Max 2012,
- 时长: 5h 52m 【 40小节】
- Project Files Included
- 在本教程中,我们将学习如何创建各种建筑外墙的建模技术以及渲染技法,我们也会看到作者如何在3DMAX中灵活使用CAD,以及在移动物体的立面上用插件创造出生长的植物,将学习如何快速设置优化的灯光,相机和渲染设置,使您可以实现快速渲染和令人印象深刻的结果···
Throughout this tutorial we will look at the modeling techniques for creating various architectural facades. By the end of the course, you will gain the knowledge to handle any style of architecture from contemporary to organic.
We will also look at how to use CAD plans in 3ds Max, and we will cover exiting topics such as animating movable objects on the facade and even creating planting using real-time growth plugins. To finish off, we will learn how to quickly set up optimized lighting, camera and render settings so that you can achieve quick renders and impressive results.
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