3 lessons designed by a V-Ray Licensed Instructor®
1h 20mins narrated HD Videos
Photography composition rules
V-Ray Sun/sky and V-Ray Physical Camera
Modify sky colors and correct distortions
Use V-Ray Real Time
Light balance analisys
Light Balance application
White balance for sunset
What is the Color Mapping and what is it useful for
How works Exponential and Reinhard Color mapping
V-Ray Real Time features
Draw region and Real Zoom
Manage Fresnel IOR for glass
How to use Fall off for fabrics and car paint
Create reflection maps
How to use Reflections render element
How to use VRayLightSelect render element
How to use VRayExtraTex for Ambient Occlusion
Affect channel option
Final settings for a clean render
Composite all layers in photoshop
Create Daily lighting
Create Golden lighting
1h 20mins narrated hd videos
Max Scenes to download
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