“边园” 位于上海杨浦区。场地原是运输煤炭的工业码头,由一座混凝土卸载平台,防汛墙及介于内陆及码头间的潮间带组成。作为多年工业设施使用后,码头因停止运营而荒废。随着城市发展的扩张,城市更新将此区重新规划为水岸公园,将此旧工业遗址重新激活并转化为市民公共空间。在此机会下,一宇景观与大舍建筑合作,提出保留此处工业遗址与地貌,并将其重塑为水岸艺廊、花园及户外旱冰场。
YIYU Design: The Edge Garden is located in the Yangpu District in Shanghai. The site is previously an industrial harbor for coal shipping. The structure of the harbor consists of a concrete loading deck, a 100 meter flooding wall, and a tidal zone between the deck and the interior land. After being used as an industrial facility for decades, the harbor no longer operates and the area is in abandoned condition. With the expansion of the city development, the new city planning aims to reactivate the site, and to turn the post-industrial site into a new public space for the city. With this opportunity, YIYU provides a proposal to preserve the industrial heritage and transform the space into an open gallery, a garden, and a skating park at the waterfront.
▽边园,一个介于内陆与潮间带的边界花园 The edge garden. A garden in-between the tidal zone and interior land.
The design strategy is to preserve the concrete loading deck, and re-polish the concrete ground to create a terrazzo skating ring by the river. For the flooding wall, the wall is preserved with a new steel structure to create an elevated outdoor gallery. The tidal area behind the wall is renovated into the edge garden for public.
Due to its special condition at the tidal zone between the deck and the interior land, the design proposal for edge garden is to explore the possibility of this peripheral condition, and to preserve the interesting landscape as much as we can. We decide to use the current landscape as an open garden to showcase the accumulation process of the soil, by keeping the geological layers exposed.
▽水岸艺廊-旧有的防汛墙重塑为户外艺廊,前方的工业码头化身为使公共旱冰场。The elevated walkway. The architect utilizes the flood wall to create an iconic floating walkway as an outdoor gallery. The front area is a skating park designed with the post industrial concrete deck.
▽边界花园-利用潮间带的特殊地貌,边园的景观设计保留原始自然并创造与新构筑间的对话。View to the edge garden. The garden preserves a sense of wildness and creates a dialogue between the built steel structure and the nature.
▽上层步道俯瞰边园的视角。斜面的屋檐设计,形成观看边园的有趣框景。A view from the upper level to the garden below. The canopy is designed to be tilted to frame an interesting view to the garden.
▽潮间带中沉积而成的绿岛-景观设计利用此处原生植物群落,打造一个可以观察自然演替的开放植物园。The accumulation islet at the tidal area. The landscape utilizes the existing nature as an open botanical garden for spontaneous plants.
▽一个展示潮间带地貌的绿色艺廊 A green gallery to curate the tidal landscape
▽边界花园如一幅生长的画,展示随时间变化的材料、自然、与肌理 A living painting to showcase the material, nature, and textures in time.
▽边界花园如一幅生长的画,展示自然的自发性与演进 A living painting to curate the spontaneity of nature
▽边界花园如一幅生长的画,展示工业的历史遺跡 A living painting to curate the materiality in industrial history.
▽边界花园如一幅生长的画,展示随时间沉积的地层故事 A living painting to see the soil layers formed by time
On top of it, by keeping the existing plants, the edge garden also performs as a wild botanical garden to observe spontaneous plants on site.
The project also plays with different openings on the wall to create interesting views to garden. The vegetation through the openings is framed as a picture. Besides, the roof on the concrete wall is designed to be tilted, to create interesting angles and views to the garden.
▽边园可透过下层步道观赏,亦可防由汛墙外侧的上层步道俯瞰此园 The garden can be viewed from the lower level walkway, as well as from the upper level path behide the flooding wall.
▽墙的开口联通了内外的建构与荒野 Openings in-between to connect the constructed and the wild.
For the planting design, the project focus on how to create a landscape blending in the existing condition. By introducing strong and water tolerated plants, the garden is given a touch of texture and color. Orange flowers are added in the woods to give a contrast to the green. Climbers are mixed to the ground to create a balance to bare land. The juxtaposition between the wild and the new is carefully arranged into harmony.
The edge garden now is open to the public and becomes a new waterfront space where the art event can be hold, runway show can be played, and an open botanical garden for citizens to enjoy.
▽花园细心保存了原始地貌,并混植适合共生的花卉 The garden is carefully designed to keep the existing nature and mix in adoptable species with color.
▽置入的鸢尾科植物,为间隙增添了一抹色彩 The planted iris provides a hint of color to the remains in the tidal landscape.
▽边园一隅 A view to the edge garden
▽后方的坡道连桥,创造出上下体验庭园的可能 A ramp behind the garden to create an opportunity to experience the garden vertically.
项目设计 & 完成年份:2019/2020
主创及设计团队:林逸峯/ 田益正, 黄申飞
Project name: Edge Garden
Design: YIYU design
Website: www.yiyudes.com
Contact e-mail: info@yiyudes.com
Design year & Completion Year: 2019/2020
Leader designer & Team: Yifeng Lin/ Christaphor Huang, Yizheng Tian
Project location: Pingding Road, Shanghai
landscape area: 600sqm
Photo credits: YIYU design
Architecture Design: Deshaus Architects
Clients: Shanghai New Yangpu Property Co., Ltd