Dr Bernardo A. Houssay广场位于布宜诺斯艾利斯最紧凑、人口最稠密的区域之一,每公顷居民超过650人,建设于前布宜诺斯艾利斯医院的旧址之上。这个项目有多个领域的专家参与,包括景观设计师Pradial Gutiérrez,Aldo Mario Liberatori和Román Wellington Peñalba。该广场周边分布着布宜诺斯艾利斯大学的药理和生物化学学院、牙科学院、社会科学学院、经济和医学学院以及San Martín医学院,约有100,000名学生在这里上课,广场空间被人群不协调的的活动打碎,环境碎片化使得体验感极其不舒服。
RDR architectes:Located in one of the most compact and densely populated downtown areas of Buenos Aires, with more than 650 inhabitants per hectare, the “Dr. Bernardo A. Houssay” Plaza was created in 1975 on the grounds of the former Buenos Aires Hospital, based on a project by a multidisciplinary team that included landscape designers Pradial Gutiérrez, Aldo Mario Liberatori and Román Wellington Peñalba. Surrounded by the Faculties of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, Dentistry, Social Sciences, Economics and Medicine of the University of Buenos Aires, which together with the nearby Hospital-School of Clinics José de San Martín, host approximately 100,000 students, the square was progressively disfigured by partial and uncoordinated actions that fragmented its spatial and environmental condition, making it uncomfortable.
在这种情况下,市政当局在2017年公开举行了该区域的设计竞赛,竞赛要求提供战略发展计划,将部分停车场转化成公共文化服务设施,作为重新设计的广场的一部分。RDR architects获得大奖,其项目方案可以概括为四个主要策略:
Faced with this situation, the municipality of the City of Buenos Aires calls for an open competition in 2017 for the new concession of the plaza’s subway parking lot, requesting that the proposals be accompanied by strategic projects to reconvert part of the parking lot into public and cultural services that complement a redesign of the plaza. The winning project of RDR architects is summarized in four main strategies:
1. 绿环:整合并特色化的绿色空间
1. Green perimeter ring: group and characterize the green areas.
Arranged in large green perimeter without abrupt edges, this ring is presented as a large urban park, with integrated green areas and recreational areas (sports courts, healthy stations and street furniture). It also acts as a buffer to create a contained environment in the central area.
2. 安全空间:吸引路人,照亮广场
2. Safe space: Attract passers-by and illuminate the square.
The new layout of the pedestrian paths, designed on the basis of the entrances to the neighboring faculties, ensures that the diagonal route of the square is as comfortable and direct as possible. This condition encourages pedestrians to use it on their routes. The new lighting frames these routes and makes the center and the church an active and luminous place.
3. 中央铺装区:重新评估St. Luke教堂的价值,并建立一个新的中心
该方案将教堂纳入新的50 x 50米的广场中心区域。得益于已有的金蝶木和蓝花楹的遮蔽,这个空间是各种活动的理想场所,总是充满活力。
3. Dry central area: Revalue St. Luke’s Church and build a new center.
The proposal incorporates the church into the new 50 x 50 m dry central area. Thanks to the pre-existing tipas and jacaranda trees, this space is an ideal place for various shaded activities, creating an active and dynamic center.
4. 文化和服务空间:创建一个完全整合到广场中的混合使用区域
4. Cultural and service space: Create a mixed-use area fully integrated to the plaza.
Proposed as a large church plinth, this mixed-use space is located below the clear central square facing Córdoba Avenue. Abloom slopes slightly towards the center of the block, creating a natural amphitheater that guides and connects the perimeter with the new cultural and service uses, along with connections to the subway and parking. Thanks to its new and different activities, this sector allows for an extension of the plaza’s hourly use.
In this way, the project promotes new links between the square, public transportation and surrounding institutions by reformulating the relationship between the urban surface and the lower levels. This proposal is part of a research on the possible ways to intervene the public space in a sustainable way, being able to recover and enhance the value of the pre-existing landscaping together with a considerable increase in green areas. At the same time, new functions are proposed for this urban green: construction of microclimates, retention of polluting atmospheric particles, preservation of the existing habitat and biodiversity, and the absorption and slowing down of rainwater, which increases the thermal stability of the square. In the hard areas, highly durable interlocking blocks were used, which are easy to lay and repair and have the capacity to absorb rainwater. To complete the preventive measures, a water slowing tank was incorporated in the subsoil. The project incorporates the idea of collecting rainwater and its subsequent use for irrigation. This tank also serves as an irrigation reserve for the green areas. In the event that more water is eventually required than is provided for in this reserve, it will be supplemented with water from the existing borehole located on the perimeter of the church.
In terms of landscaping, the project proposes a low to medium maintenance park with vegetation of proven resistance to urban use and the existing climatic situation. The existing vegetation is maintained and incorporated into the landscape project, with only the necessary phytosanitary treatment or pruning of the trees. Native or naturalized exotic vegetation (less than 10% of the latter) with low or medium water requirements is also incorporated. As all the landscaping is developed on the slabs that house the subway parking lots, second or third magnitude trees are proposed, suitable for development in this condition, with fast or medium growth, varied foliage and flowering, which guarantee strong color contrasts between flowerbeds throughout the year, favoring the use of large masses of the same species.
项目名称:Plaza Houssay
设计公司:RDR Architectes
设计团队:Ignacio Dahl Rocha, Bruno Emmer, Facundo Morando, Rodrigo Muro De Nadal, Martina De Barba, Sofía Vivacqua, Roberto Lombardi, Clara Carrera, Juan Benítez, Facundo Burgos, María Santarelli, Tomás Pérez Amenta, Federico Bonessi, Lucía Iglesias, Nicolás Adrien, Matías Brun, Matías Nola
景观咨询:Grupo Landscape (Cora Burgin, Sebastián Mouzo)
照明:Verónica Gilotaux
结构:Sebastián Berdichevsky
热力学:Julio Blasco Diez
公共卫生:Jorge Labonia
电力:Marcelo Alignani
客户:LAMP Investments SA
摄影:Javier Agustín Rojas
Project name: Plaza Houssay
Location: Manzana entre Avenida Córdoba, Junín, Paraguay e Uriburu, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Project conception: 2017
Construction: 2019
Area: 47,000 m2 (total), 28,000 m2 (roof to be remodeled)
Architects: RDR Architectes
Team: Ignacio Dahl Rocha, Bruno Emmer, Facundo Morando, Rodrigo Muro De Nadal, Martina De Barba, Sofía Vivacqua, Roberto Lombardi, Clara Carrera, Juan Benítez, Facundo Burgos, María Santarelli, Tomás Pérez Amenta, Federico Bonessi, Lucía Iglesias, Nicolás Adrien, Matías Brun, Matías Nola
Construction company: Bricons
Landscape consultants: Grupo Landscape (Cora Burgin, Sebastián Mouzo)
Lighting: Verónica Gilotaux
Structure: Sebastián Berdichevsky
Thermo-mechanical: Julio Blasco Diez
Sanitary: Jorge Labonia
Electric: Marcelo Alignani
Client: LAMP Investments SA
Photographs: Javier Agustín Rojas
Editor: Jiangyan Shou