Regeneration of post industrial heritages
最为上海历史重要的工业遗迹,艺仓水岸原为输送煤矿,储存煤块提供城市使用的重要基础设计。 经时代的更迭,煤仓的储煤功能渐渐丧失,本项目做为上海工业遗址重要的水岸城市更新项目,将运煤信道转变为文创走廊,煤仓化身为黄埔江东岸首个滨水美术馆-艺仓美术馆,而昔日的工业水岸,化身为为新的市民水岸空间-艺仓水岸公园。
As the key post industrial remain in shanghai, the shanghai MOMA museum waterfront served as infrastructure for coal transportation and storage in the past. Nevertheless, the function of the coal industry gradually disappeared in time. To search its modern functions, the project modified the previous coal industry waterfront into new open spaces for shanghai citizens, and transform the coal storage building into a new urban icon, the shanghai MOMA museum.
Showcase the beauty of the nature
景观的设计概念上,主要以重生自然之美,来修复前工业造成对环境影响的反思。 主要以林之道,天之池,及野之原,利用森林、天与云彩,和自然为媒材,贯穿整个公园的设计。
The first landscape strategy of the park, is to create an environmental reflection to its industrial past, and bring the nature back to the site. We utilized the existing landscape elements, including the trees, sky, cloud, water and nature, to reshape the new identities of the waterfront. The park mainly is composed of three segments : "the bridge of the trees", "the pond of the sky", and "the meadow of the wind".
The detail of the strategy is to reserve all the trees on site, and transplant them thoughtfully to new locations, to amply the beauty of the nature: The dramatic experiences created by the tall woods at "the bridge of the trees", the unexpected discovery of the ephemeral reflection of the sky on "the pond of the sky", and the surprise of the various colors of the grass at "the meadow of the wind". All the settings recreated created vivid memorable images of the new waterfront park.
For the ground, the design detail is to refill the brown field with a layer of healing green. By introducing a meadow as media, the park brought diverse nature and rich wild lives back to the site.
The beauty of time
The beauty the park wanted to demonstrate, is not only the instant beauty of the nature, but also the beauty of waiting. The park planted a mixture of seasonal feather plants together to create different expression of the nature in different times . Waiting for a flower to bloom, waiting for a meadow to grow, waiting for a leaf to turn red, and waiting for the sun to set. Any moments of the nature can be a status of beauty. And every waiting is process of seeing the beauty.
The beauty of life
The last layer of the beauty the project likes to demonstrate, is the beauty of life. How to bring richer wild lives back to the site? how to create a sustainable and environmental friendly park? became the core consideration of the material and planting selections.
In the end the park used recycled concrete and pervious surface as the main material to avoid environmental waste and encourage ground water preservation, and habit based species of plantings were introduced for the plantings to recreate animal and insect friendly environments.
项目名称: 上海艺仓美术馆水岸公园
项目位置: 上海市
景观设计: 一宇设计
设计团队:林逸峰 / Alex de Dios,王裕中,吴孛贝,黄婉贞,田益正,徐陆,杜巧
项目设计&完成年份: 2017
Project Name: Shanghai MOMA Museum Waterfront Park
Location: Shanghai
Landscape Design: YIYU design
Design Team: Yifeng Lin /Alex de Dios, Yuchung Wang, Bebe Wu, Wendy Huang, Yizheng Tian,Tom Xu, Hana Du
Cooperative Architect: Deshaus Atelier
Site Area:16,000 sqm
Gross Floor Area: 80,000 sqm
Project Completion: 2017
Photo by: YIYU Design