The playground on Hauser Plads creates a break from the crowded city centre. The urban space has provided kids and adults of the area with new opportunities for play in an otherwise hectic everyday life the middle of the city. This way, the square creates a green oasis for the surrounding buildings and nearby institutions, as well as visitors to the area.
©Ty Stange
The weaving landscape is combined with areas of rubber and asphalt coatings, a circular sandpit and a pavilion for play equipment. The landscape varies in height and surface materiality, with simple lighting elements creating an inviting spatiality of light and shadow across the space.
©Ty Stange
©Ty Stange
景观设计还可以欣赏到屡获殊荣的Renhold建筑中心,该中心位于Hauser Plads旁边。
The design of the landscape also provides a view down to the award-winning building Center for Renhold, which lies below Hauser Plads.
©Victoria Rahbek
设计单位:Sangberg Architects
建筑师:KBP.EU/POLYFORM/Sangberg/WERK与Karresen Brands
合作者:OlufJørgensenIngeniørerA / S,Ulrikke Brandi Licht
Client: City of Copenhagen
Year: 2013
Location:Copenhagen, Denmark
Area: 650 m2
Architect: KBP.EU/POLYFORM/Sangberg/WERK with Karresen Brands
Collaborators: OlufJørgensenIngeniører A/S, Ulrikke Brandi Licht
Photo credits: Ty Stange / Victoria Rahbek