哥德堡的 Gamlestaden 地区正在经历一场快速发展的变革,以前街道之间稀疏利用的空间(包含低矮的建筑物)正在成为具有地方和区域旅行中心的新型网格结构城市社区。 GamlestadensFabriker 的人行通道是最早于2016年12月建成的公共场所之一。该通道在铁路和轻轨线下方通过,为该地区的人行道和自行车道创造了空间,并将形成区域列车与未来战略节点 GamlestadensFabriker 之间的直接联系。
The area Gamlestaden in Gothenburg is undergoing a transformation, where previously sparsely utilised spaces between the streets containing individual low buildings are in the process of becoming a new grid-structured urban community with a local and regional travel centre. One of the first public spaces to be completed, in December 2016, is the pedestrian passageway at GamlestadensFabriker. The passageway, which passes under the railway and light rail lines, creates scope for new pedestrian and bicycle paths in the area and will form a direct link between regional trains and the future strategic node GamlestadensFabriker.
▼Photos©:Tim Meier
▼Photos©:Tim Meier
▼Photos©:Tim Meier
为了创造一个在一天中任何时间都有吸引力和安全感的空间,Sweco 把重点放在了良好的能见度、照明和无障碍坡道上。项目的座位是专门为场地的地形所设计的,在尖头三角形端,放置了许多装置,包括一个无障碍扶手椅,其余部分用木头覆盖,以适应许多不同人们的坐姿。
To create a place that is attractive and secure at all times of day, the focus has been on good visibility, lighting and ramps. The seating arrangements found on the site have been designed and planned specifically for this location. At the pointed end, the triangular furnishings consist of an accessibility adapted armchair and the rest of the triangle is covered in wood to accommodate many different sitting positions.
▼Photos©:Tim Meier
▼Photos©:Tim Meier
▼Photos©:Tim Meier
▼Photos©:Tim Meier
为了在现场的混凝土结构中为树木和植被提供足够的土壤深度,Sweco 开发了一种特殊的解决方案,使用凹入式的花箱进行现场浇铸。
In order to give the trees and vegetation adequate soil depth in the site's concrete construction, Sweco has developed a special solution using in situ cast walls that are shaped like recessed flower boxes.
▼Photos©:Tim Meier
▼Photos©:Tim Meier
Sweco的景观设计师负责楼梯,植物,地面覆盖物,座位和设计协调等方面的规划和设计,以及照明和土木工程。 SjögrenArkitekter 与 Sweco 的结构工程师一起设计了电梯,墙壁和楼梯上的天然石材覆盖层以及通往铁路平台的楼梯。
Sweco's landscape architects have been responsible for planning and design of stairways, plantings, surface coverings, seating and design coordination, among other things for lighting and civil engineering. SjögrenArkitekter has designed the elevators and the natural stone covering on the wall and stairs to the railway platform together with structural engineers at Sweco.
▼Photos©:Tim Meier
▼Photos©:Tim Meier
▼Photos©:Tim Meier
▼Photos©:Tim Meier
项目负责人:Magnus Olsson
Landscape Architect: Sweco
Assignment: Pedestrian passageway at GamlestadensFabriker
Location: Gothenburg
Year: 2012-2016
Client: City of Gothenburg and the Traffic & Public Transport Authority
Area of operation: Landscape Architecture, Electrical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Water and Wastewater, Structural engineering
Assignment Manager: Magnus Olsson
Landscape Architect: UrbanRickardsson
Photography:Tim Meier