Project Name:Steven holl Sliced Porosity Block成都来福士广场景观设计 Design: Steven Holl Architects Project Type: 城市综合体景观设计 商业空间景观设计 城市广场景观设计 Key words: 广场 景观 广场水景 景观水景 水景意向 镜面水景 园林水景 水景 广场设计 广场景观 广场景观设计 广场 城市广场 广场座椅 商业广场 广场鸟瞰图 入口广场 广场铺装 公共空间 广场 开放广场 城市 商业广场 广场园林景观 All photos :© Steven Holl Text译:zoscape |
成都来福士广场,位于成都市一环路与人民南路交口南侧。它是多功能混合建筑群体,成都来福士由世界建筑大师Steven Holl主导设计,包括建筑面积75,645平方米的甲级写字楼,73,784平方米的商场,43,228平方米的五星级酒店、13,214平方米的服务式公寓和27,671平方米的Boutique Office。按照绿色建筑的标准,成都来福士项目中运用了地源热泵供热和制冷系统、热回收系统、冷热水蓄藏、中水回用、屋顶与裙楼绿化、就地取材、太阳能等可再生能源的利用等节能环保措施,并已经申请了美国绿色建筑委员会颁发的LEED金奖。
Sliced Porosity Block成都来福士广场景观设计/zoscape
项目形如切开的泡沫巨块,大型公共空间由建筑体块围合而出。位于项目核心位置的多层“三峡”广场有如洛克菲勒中心的规模,设置了石阶、坡道、池塘、餐厅,种植了树木。广场中三座巨大的池塘来源于杜甫的诗句“三峡楼台淹日月”,它们构成了6层购物中心的天窗,并且在对角自动扶梯的切割下构成了三座“楼中楼”。建筑外墙空洞处的亭台是Steven Holl设计的历史亭、Lebbeus Woods设计的高科技亭和艾未未设计的杜甫亭。
Sliced Porosity Block成都来福士广场景观设计/zoscape
Sliced Porosity Block成都来福士广场景观设计/zoscape
Sliced Porosity Block成都来福士广场景观设计/zoscape
In the center of Chengdu, China, at the intersection of the first Ring Road and Ren Ming Nam Road, the Sliced Porosity Block forms large public plazas with a hybrid of different functions. Creating a metropolitan public space instead of object-icon skyscrapers, this three million square foot project takes its shape from its distribution of natural light. The required minimum sunlight exposures to the surrounding urban fabric prescribe precise geometric angles that slice the exoskeletal concrete frame of the structure. The building structure is white concrete organized in six foot high openings with earthquake diagonals as required while the "sliced" sections are glass.
The large public space framed in the center of the block is formed into three valleys inspired by a poem of the city's greatest poet, Du Fu (713-770), who wrote, 'From the northeast storm-tossed to the southwest, time has left stranded in Three Valleys.' The three plaza levels feature water gardens based on concepts of time-the Fountain of the Chinese Calendar Year, Fountain of Twelve Months, and Fountain of Thirty Days. These three ponds function as skylights to the six-story shopping precinct below.