作为全球领先的智慧场景服务商,特斯联科技(Terminus Group)致力于深度参与未来科技及城市的迭代及创变,且一直在构建AI CITY全球化网络,而作为特斯联在国内落地的首座AI CITY项目,“重庆云谷”将被打造为一座由高精尖科技支撑的未来之城。BIG建筑事务所将为特斯联在重庆的这座未来城市提供设计方案,由此该项目所在的重庆高科技园区将被打造为中国的创新中心,以承载特斯联在人工智能、物联网、机器人、大数据等领域的终极使命及愿景。
The future home for Terminus Group, the world-leading smart
service provider shaping the next generation of technology and cities, will be
in AI CITY. BIG envisions the hi-tech campus as the new center of innovation
for China, dedicated to Terminus Group's ambitions in artificial intelligence
of things, robotics, networking and big data.
▽项目视频 @BIG
特斯联AI CITY “云谷”项目位于“山城”重庆的高新技术产业开发区,其中占地75,000平方米的科技中心是特斯联AI CITY“云谷”项目的首期工程。
AI CITY is located in Chongqing, also known as the
“mountain city” for being a sprawling megacity that's crisscrossed by rivers
and mountains in southwest China. The site of AI CITY is specifically situated
within the Chongqing Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone, with the 75,000m2Cloud Valley anchoring the Science and Technology Headquarters in the first
phase of the masterplan.
▽日景鸟瞰图 Aerial
BIG创始人兼创意总监Bjarke Ingels表示:“近几年,我们与很多全球领先的科技公司进行过合作。此次,我们能与特斯联强强联手,并将BIG的经验带到重庆,与特斯联共同打造全球首座AI CITY,我们感到十分高兴。作为重庆高新区的第一个地标性项目,我们相信特斯联AI CITY‘云谷’将成为中国的创新中心。项目整体以人、植物、动物等多元生命形态为核心,这将是一座人、科技、自然和谐共生的城市。”
“We have over the recent years worked with several of the world’s
leading technology companies. We are thrilled to bring our experience to
Chongqing and together with Terminus create AI CITY, the first landmark project
in the Hi-Tech Zone to become a new center of innovation for China. In AI CITY,
Cloud Valley is envisioned as a city where people, technology and nature thrive
together – with spaces designed for all types of life: human life, plant life,
animal life and even artificial life.” says Bjarke Ingels, Founder &
Creative Director of BIG-Bjarke Ingels Group.
▽鸟瞰图 Aerial
特斯联AI CITY “云谷”的设计灵感来源于重庆武隆国家公园的天然喀斯特景观,大自然的鬼斧神工使这里的山脉和山谷在天地之间形成了一种绝妙的关联。
Cloud Valley takes its inspiration from the natural Wulong
Karst in the Chongqing Wulong National Park, where valleys and mountain form
stunning connections between the earth and the sky. BIG's proposal for Cloud
Valley is conceived as two plots along Xinzhou Avenue and Gaoxin Avenue, that
mimic each other's opposites, described as “a brother and sister” by Bjarke.
There is the Mountain, which forms a striking landmark in the area that gives
shelter to a protected network of courtyards filled with inviting public
functions. Then there is the Valley, which offers the largest publicly
accessible green rooftops in China for open-air events. Below the roofscape,
the building opens up to the surrounding public to invite visitors into this
new neighborhood.
▽云谷与绿化景观 Cloud valley and the green roofscape
▽场景效果图 Scene
在这些“云”层之下和群“山”之间,AI CITY将是特斯联及其产业上下游世界领先科技公司推进人工智能和机器人技术应用的集结地,这将进一步为这一新型高科技园区打造可持续发展的科技基础。在云谷中,自然与建筑之间的屏障将被消除,契合城市肌理的多孔结构将贯穿“山脉”与“山谷”,打造自然光线充足且通风良好的绿色开敞庭院,每个庭院均可用来举办公共活动。此外,体育赛事、艺术展览和产品展会则可以在两座建筑之间的科技园区举行。
Below the clouds and between the mountains, AI CITY is
where Terminus and the world's leading technology companies aim to advance the
future of artificial intelligence and robotics, and build the foundations of a
new sustainable development. In Cloud Valley, the barriers between nature and
buildings will be removed. The porous structure of the urban fabric will create
generous green courtyards with natural light and ventilation throughout both
plots. Each courtyard will be programmed to host specific public activities.
Sports events, art exhibitions and product fairs will be hosted in the
technological park spread between the buildings.
▽西区 West area
▽山谷广场 Valley square
▽数码广场 Digital square
▽镜像世界 Mirror World
不仅如此,在特斯联AI CITY“云谷”项目中,人与人工智能技术之间的屏障也将被消除,AI展览空间、集市和咖啡馆等新建空间,将吸引公众在步入式绿色屋顶下驻足;在同一屋顶下,中国最具创新能力公司的高科技人才则可以进行技术研发和技术创新。此外,特斯联AI CITY“云谷”中的交通规划也将会以一种弹性、灵活的方式实现自然与发展两者在未来的全新平衡,届时,电动自行车、机器人汽车和自动驾驶汽车将定义新的智能出行系统。
The barriers between human and artificial intelligence will
also be removed. Newly created spaces including AI exhibition spaces, markets
and cafés will invite the public to join under the roof. Under the same roof,
professionals and robotics working in the most innovative companies of the
country will develop future technologies. The traffic strategy focuses on a
flexible transition towards a future re-balance of nature with development.
Throughout AI CITY, e-bikes, robotic vehicles and self-driving cars will define
a new, smart mobility system.
▽机器人博物馆 Robot mesuem
▽机器人博物馆 Robot mesuem
With Chongqing's unique location between the mountains,
impressive cloud formations shield the building from direct sun exposure and
creates a special atmosphere condition that allows the façade designs to be
more transparent than usual. To protect the facades and exterior public spaces
from further sun radiation and heavy rain, the building's rooftops are extended
by a significant distance, depending on the facade's orientation. The roof also
drops all the way to the central courtyard in one place, creating access to the
roof lush garden, and in other places, the roof lifts in two corners to create
entryways from the inside.
▽屋顶与露台 Roof and Balcony
▽文化庭院 Culture courtyard
▽自然庭院 Natural courtyard
▽健康庭院 Wellness courtyard
The roofscape is one of the most important components that
shapes the spirit of the Cloud Valley. It allows for an abundance of nature to
co-exist with the office programs, thus preserving the wild landscape experience
that’s traditionally difficult to access within the city limits. The green roof
also embodies an ecological cohesive coexistence between human, nature, climate
and technology. To display the ultimate gesture of nature meeting technology,
the green roof carpet shaping the valley and the mountain turns into the
largest digital display in China at night.
▽夜景鸟瞰图 Night aerial
▽夜景 Night viewing
项目名称:AI CITY
合作者:当地设计单位: Huiting;绿色建筑顾问:CMCU;幕墙顾问:Forster;结构顾问:BIG E
设计公司:BIG –BJARKE INGELS GROUP (www.big.dk)
合伙人:Bjarke Ingels, Jakob Lange, Ole Elkjær Larsen
项目负责人:Per Bo Madsen, Nanna Gyldeholm Møller, Dominic James Black,
Gabrielle Nadeau, Dora Jiabao Lin, Enea Michelesio
项目团队:Biqin Li, Yara Rahme, Natchaluck Radomsittipat, Ipek Akin,
Linnea Lujak, Laura Wätte, Peter Mortensen, Sergiu Calacean, Mattia Di Carlo,
Høgni Laksafoss, Jan Magasanik, Eddie Can, Annette Jensen, Mussa Algasra,
Marcela Dominika Rydalska, Laurent De Carniere, Cheng-Huang Lin, Nandi Lu,
Henrik Jacobsen, Seda Yildiz, Lucas Coelho Netto, Marah Wagner, Vladislav
Saprunenko, Jean-Sébastien Pagnon, Dimitrie Grigorescu, Alexander Matthias
Jacobson, Kamila Abbiazova, Katrine Juul, Ella Murphy, Tore Banke, Cristian
Teodor Fratila, Frederic Lucien Engasser, Ulla Hornsyld, Paul Johann
Kohlhaussen, Eric Li, Erik Kreider, Karolina Lepa-Stewart, Tristan Harvey,
Miles Treacy, Timo Harboe Nielsen, Andy Coward, Qingfeng Li, Milan Moldenhawer,
Mamak Mazaheri, Daniel Ferrara Bilesky, Jesper Petersen
Location:Chongqing, China
Client:Terminus Group
Collaborators:LDI: Huiting; Green Building Consultant: CMCU; Facade
consultant: Forster; Structure Consultant: BIG E
Design firm:BIG – BJARKE INGELS GROUP (www.big.dk)
Partners-in-Charge:Bjarke Ingels, Jakob Lange, Ole Elkjær
Project Leaders:Per Bo Madsen, Nanna Gyldeholm Møller,
Dominic James Black, Gabrielle Nadeau, Dora Jiabao Lin, Enea Michelesio
Team:Biqin Li, Yara Rahme, Natchaluck Radomsittipat, Ipek Akin,
Linnea Lujak, Laura Wätte, Peter Mortensen, Sergiu Calacean, Mattia Di Carlo,
Høgni Laksafoss, Jan Magasanik, Eddie Can, Annette Jensen, Mussa Algasra,
Marcela Dominika Rydalska, Laurent De Carniere, Cheng-Huang Lin, Nandi Lu,
Henrik Jacobsen, Seda Yildiz, Lucas Coelho Netto, Marah Wagner, Vladislav
Saprunenko, Jean-Sébastien Pagnon, Dimitrie Grigorescu, Alexander Matthias
Jacobson, Kamila Abbiazova, Katrine Juul, Ella Murphy, Tore Banke, Cristian
Teodor Fratila, Frederic Lucien Engasser, Ulla Hornsyld, Paul Johann
Kohlhaussen, Eric Li, Erik Kreider, Karolina Lepa-Stewart, Tristan Harvey,
Miles Treacy, Timo Harboe Nielsen, Andy Coward, Qingfeng Li, Milan Moldenhawer,
Mamak Mazaheri, Daniel Ferrara Bilesky, Jesper Petersen