The project relays on the transition of volumes to create a sense of mystery and discovery regardless of its open areas, all this to achieve a greater dynamic interaction between the different stages of the project and the user interaction with them.
©The Raws / Francisco Álvarez
©The Raws / Francisco Álvarez
©The Raws / Francisco Álvarez
©The Raws / Francisco Álvarez
The intention of the design was to generate an environment meant for social and family experience in a pleasant open area where recreational activities can be performed and enjoyed whenever any event takes place within.
©The Raws / Francisco Álvarez
©The Raws / Francisco Álvarez
©The Raws / Francisco Álvarez
The project looked for the reuse of anything that may be rescue from the previous warehouse situated in the same plot. Things such as structure and foundations that suited for the positioning of the main platform where the pavilion stands. Electrical and plumbing installations which indicated how deep into the plot could the service volumes be situated. And the landscape with its big trees that turned part for detailing focus areas. Altogether, dictated on the placement, accessibility and distribution of all other volumes and elements.
©The Raws / Francisco Álvarez
©The Raws / Francisco Álvarez
©The Raws / Francisco Álvarez
©The Raws / Francisco Álvarez
©The Raws / Francisco Álvarez
The program mainly asked for a pavilion that could allow a gathering for 150 guests to its maximum capacity. Accompanied with a front pool, shower, restrooms, grilling table, bar, and a catering table, all in its proximity, to serve any event occurring on site. This pavilion, positioned in the center of the site, is where the main social gatherings will be held, while a small room, for a lesser amount of people, would be use for smaller events. This small room placed down the hall, can hold up to 80 guests and had to be enclosed for air conditioning and needed to be close to the kitchen for quick service. The kitchen will be used anytime as required, despite of its position at the back end of the site. It has a quick short access to serve any area of the project plus a service lane to access its delivery area.
©The Raws / Francisco Álvarez
©The Raws / Francisco Álvarez
©The Raws / Francisco Álvarez
©The Raws / Francisco Álvarez
The program center mainly on events such as weddings, because of the increasing rise on rental for conventional places and that could only be rented for a bigger amount of guests. This lack for small, cheap and decent places drive the intention for the project also focusing on other ceremonies and gatherings like baby showers, birthday parties, civil weddings and else.
©The Raws / Francisco Álvarez
©The Raws / Francisco Álvarez
▼项目总平面图,Site Plan
▼项目平面图,Ground Plan
▼项目屋顶平面图,Roof Plan
▼项目1-1剖面图, Section 1-1
▼项目A-A剖面图,Section A-A
▼项目B-B剖面图,Section B-B
▼项目东立面图,East Elevation
▼项目南立面图,South Elevation
▼项目轴侧分解, Explode Drawing
设计单位:Deruiz Arquitectos
项目名称:Quinta Everest
项目地点:Apodaca, Nuevo León, 墨西哥
室内设计:Ivonne López de Ruiz
客户:Sergio Leal
工程: rc proyectos
景观顾问:G+H Arquitectura/Gabriela Hernández
建筑监理:与Desarrollos GRHAD/Missael Hernández、Luis Paredes合作
施工:Desarrollos GRHAD/Missael Hernández,Luis Paredes
图片来源:The Raws / Francisco Álvarez
Project name: Quinta Everest
Company name: Deruiz Arquitectos
Project location: Apodaca, Nuevo León, México
Completion Year: 2019
Interior Design: Ivonne López de Ruiz
Client: Sergio Leal
Engineering: rc proyectos
Landscape Consultant: G+H Arquitectura / Gabriela Hernández
Architectural Supervision: in collaboration with Desarrollos GRHAD / Missael Hernández, Luis Paredes
Construction: Desarrollos GRHAD / Missael Hernández, Luis Paredes
Photo credits: The Raws / Francisco Álvarez