随着圣彼得堡占地26英亩的新海滨码头的开放,Janet Echelman推出了她最新的永久性作品《弯曲的弧线》。这个空中雕塑由1,662,528个结和180英里长的麻绳组成,跨度424英尺,最高处达72英尺。
With the opening of St. Petersburg’s new 26-acre waterfront Pier, Janet Echelman unveils her newest permanent work, Bending Arc. Composed of 1,662,528 knots and 180 miles of twine, the aerial sculpture spans 424 feet and measures 72 feet at its tallest point.
Janet Echelman的艺术旨在拥抱变化,项目在码头上轻轻起伏,让风在项目的软面上创造出变化无常的形态。项目的色彩也会随着其表面与自然和投影的光线的相互作用而随时变化。在白天,项目在公园和人们的身上投射出阴影,到了晚上,它们变成了紫红色和紫色的发光灯塔。
Echelman's art embraces change. The monumental sculpture gently billows above the Pier District, allowing the wind to create a choreography of constantly changing shape in the sculpture's soft surface. The sculpture’s color also transforms at every moment while its surface interplays with natural and projected light. In daytime the sculpture casts shadow drawings on the park and people below, and at night it transforms into a glowing beacon of magenta and violet light.
这位从坦帕湾(Tampa Bay)海岸成长而来的国际著名艺术家受到了其地区历史明信片的启发,明信片上画有蓝色和白色条纹的沙滩伞,以及码头下生长的藤壶的几何形状。由鸟瞰图来看,这个雕塑的设计可以理解为三把类似藤壶的阳伞相拥。
The internationally-renowned artist, born and raised along the shores of Tampa Bay, was inspired by historical postcards depicting blue and white striped beach parasols together with the geometric forms made by colonies of barnacles growing on the underside of the pier itself. The sculpture’s design in aerial view can be read as three barnacle-like parasols nestled together.
在方案深化的过程中,Janet Echelman逐渐了解了当地民权运动的重要性,因为当地居民的居住地开始和平地挑战种族歧视,最终导致1957年美国最高法院在此案中裁定,有权不加歧视地支持利用市政海滩和游泳池,支持所有公民享有的权利。几何图案由许多弧形构成,在风中轻轻起伏。艺术家用马丁路德金的文字作为雕塑的标题《弯曲的弧线》:“道德世界的弧线是漫长的,但是它向正义弯曲。”
As she continued her design process, she learned of the site’s important Civil Rights Movement significance, as the place where local citizens began peacefully challenging racial barriers, leading to the 1957 US Supreme Court case ruling which upheld the rights of all citizens to enjoy use of the municipal beach and swimming pool without discrimination. The sculpture’s geometry in section is composed of multiple arcs, which gently billow in the wind. The artist titled the sculpture Bending Arc in reference to MLK’s words: “The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.”
A public-private partnership, the fiber sculpture was funded entirely by private donors, and the cost of its related infrastructure and park was covered within the city’s $92 million Pier District project. Made entirely of lightweight fiber, the monumental sculpture is engineered to withstand 150 mph winds, and the maximum force applied to its masts is 65 tons. The rope is made of a fiber 15 times stronger than steel by weight and was used by NASA to tether the Mars Rover. The net in plan covers 47,500 square feet. The net and ropes weigh a total of 5,330 pounds.
Janet Echelman的艺术作品为游客们提供了一个绿洲,他们可以在这里寻求片刻宁静的感官体验,并提高对大自然和我们在其中所处位置的认识。Janet Echelman说:“天空是我作品的画布,因为这件作品是在户外新鲜空气中完成的。这次COVID-19大流行中,它给人们提供了一个可以分享真实经验的地方,同时又能保证人们的安全。”
Echelman’s artwork offers visitors an oasis where they can seek a moment of calm sensory experience and heightened awareness of nature and our place within it. “The sky is the canvas for my artwork,” says Echelman, “and because this art is outside in the fresh air. During this pandemic, it offers a place for people to share an authentic experience while staying safe.”
▼项目平面图 Plan
项目名称:Bending Arc
艺术家:Janet Echelman
项目地点:美国 佛罗里达
跨度:424 英尺
网长:280 英尺
最高点:72 英尺
投影面积:47,500 平方英尺
Project: Bending Arc
Artist: Janet Echelman
Knots: 1,662,528
Miles twine in netting: 180
Mph design wind load: 150
Lbs weight of net and ropes: 5,330
Tons force at top of masts: 65
Length of rope structure: 424 Ft
Length of net: 280 Ft
Highest point: 72 Ft
Area of net in plan: 47,500 Sf