The iconic Maritime Center Rotterdam will be located in the middle of the water on the Rijnhaven. The organic building contrasts with the rational, industrial design of the port. It is elegant, versatile and invites you to discover. The triple helix of the international maritime world comes together in this center: the past, present and future. It will be a place for maritime entrepreneurs, science and culture. The center will be accessible to the public and will create a place to stay, on and in the water, with a view of the surrounding port.
鹿特丹海事中心将成为 "Rondje Rijnhaven "和从Wilhelminaplein到Katendrecht的码头道路的关键元素;创造出一条沿着Rijnhaven码头的步行道,并与规划中的沿线和水上道路网络相连接。部分建筑将在水下。因此,该建筑提供了一个广泛的计划,而不会在尺寸和规模上对港口变得过于庞大。在低潮时,建筑淹没在水下的部分也会变得清晰可见,使1.5至2米的潮差变得有形。除了物流空间,水下世界也适合做展览,通过突出水面的圆形天窗进行理想的间接照明。
The Maritime Center Rotterdam will form a key element of the ‘Rondje Rijnhaven’ and the jetty path from the Wilhelminaplein towards Katendrecht; creating a walk along the quays of the Rijnhaven and connecting to the planned network of paths along and on the water. Part of the building will be under water. As a result, the building offers an extensive program without becoming too large for the port in terms of size and scale. At low tide, the part of the building submerged underwater also becomes visible, making the tidal difference of 1.5 to 2 meters tangible. In addition to logistics spaces, the underwater world is also suitable for exhibitions, with ideal indirect lighting by means of round skylights that protrude above the water.
▽空间流线图 Circulation & Spaces
A multi-layered route that runs under, along, over and through the Maritime Center gives shape to the design and structures the organization of the building. An elegant ribbon winds around the pavilions and stimulates interaction between different program components.
In the near future, the Rijnhaven will undergo a thorough transformation. The water will be more frequently used, and the port must allow for a range of activities. New construction will completely change the skyline around the port, but also intensify it programmatically. Central to the developments in the port is the Maritime Center, acting as a pivot for activities and a catalyst for this area.
鹿特丹海事中心是RED公司为Codrico Terrain制定的发展愿景的一部分。随着董事会对发展愿景的批准,该计划将得到进一步发展,并与当地各方展开对话。这是向完整的Katendrecht和Rijnhaven作为21世纪鹿特丹新的城市中心的巨大飞跃。
The Maritime Center Rotterdam is part of the development vision for the Codrico Terrain drawn up by RED Company. With the approval of the development vision by the Board, the plan will be further developed and dialogue will be initiated with local parties. This is a giant leap towards a complete Katendrecht and the Rijnhaven as a new Rotterdam city center for the 21st century.
▽总平面图 Master plan
Size: 15,000 m2
Status: Ongoing
Project Design: 2020
Address: Rijnhaven, Rotterdam