对现有建筑进行干预本身就是一个很好的挑战,当我们在原有的基础上增加了几个世纪的历史,挑战就更大了。干预的重点是在阿伦克尔的一座古老的、经过修复的教堂内创建一个展览结构,暗指Damião de Gois的生活和历史遗产。教堂现在已被清空,成为一个有自己特色的"容器"空间,其拱形天花板的几何形状和砖墙的质感是其标志,具有很大的可塑性价值。
Intervening in an existing building is in
itself a good challenge, when we have added centuries of history to the
pre-existence, the challenge is even greater. The intervention focuses on the
creation of an exhibition structure, alluding to the life and historical legacy
of Damião de Gois, inside an old, restored church in Alenquer. The church, now
emptied of this function, is now a "container" space with its own
identity, marked by the geometry of its vaulted ceilings and the texture of its
brick walls, with great plastic value.
The proposal seeks precisely to value the
plastic characteristics of space and minimize its impact on pre-existence,
respecting the existing, moving away from the walls, seeking a central position
in space, assuming a geometry that is familiar to the building, originated by
an offset to the shapes of the ceiling and walls, capturing the configuration
of the void that exists in a kind of dark colored, fragmented nucleus that
receives and organizes the exhibition and the visitors.
This nucleus, although fragmented, gives
the visitor an idea of virtual continuity, where their voids are understood as
moments of pause and contemplation of the existent and as moments of
penetration inside the nucleus, exploring this ancestral relationship of
interior and exterior, which has fascinated us since the beginning of the
The exhibition space is assumed as a
delicate black element that invites its discovery and that stands out from the
remaining chromatism of the existing space, without ever overlapping it but
without losing its spatial characteristics.
Project: Damião de Góis Museum
Project year: 2016 - 2017
Size: 175m2
Address: alenquer - portugal
Client: município de alenquer
Author: spaceworkers®
Team principal architects: henrique marques
| architect rui dinis | architect
Architects: joão ortigão | architect marco
santos | architect tiago maciel | architect
Furniture design: bairro design®
Finance director: carla duarte - cfo
Concept and coordination: glorybox, lda
Graphic design: paulo passos/napperon
Historical research and content production:
maria josé pimenta ferro tavares e paulo celso fernandes monteiro
Assembly: glorybox, lda., eon- industrias
criativas, a.m.s. publicidade.
Coordination: eon- industrias criativas
Conception, ideas and scripts: paulo celso
fernandes monteiro
Image collection: paulo celso fernandes
Multimedia applications: eon, industrias
criativas, lda m&a digital, lda.
Photography: fernando guerra®
Video: building pictures (https://www.buildingpictures.pt)
Site: http://www.spaceworkers.pt/