HEYTEA has always been the leader of new Chinese tea drinks, including but not limited to their stores fit outs. Its ambition clearly beyond just creating good-looking beverage stores, but rather a display of flourishing innovation catered for the young, which is confirmed by every new store launch, including the latest addition - a mini theater of HEYTEA designed by Supercloud Studio.
The project is located at International Trade Center in Pudong, Shanghai, surrounded by office buildings. The clientele is mostly office workers from nearby. The new store sits in a small two stories free standing building in a hexagonal shape, connecting the underground commercial plaza to the ground level. Small footprint but a surprisingly good view.
Based on the project site and our vision for HEYTEA, emerges the idea of creating a mini theater that is recognizable and dramatic surrounded by the plain office setting, bringing beyond the daily, unexpected sci-fi experience into the park.
△ 剧场氛围的空间构想,内部场景更为抽象和聚焦,情绪跟随视觉画面而流转。喝一杯喜茶的时间,平行展开另一段剧情。Graphic illustration of the interior space.
△ 从地下商业广场望向喜茶的正立面,经典的喝茶小人LOGO浮现在广阔背景中。Looking from the underground plaza to the front façade with HEYTEA logo.
△ LOGO尺度和建筑体量的呼应。HEYTEA LOGO and store façade.
△ 日与夜的轮转中,喜茶小剧场都是确定的存在。Night view into the mini theater.
△ 剧场朝外窗口刻意被压成横向长窗,可以窥见室内剧场灯光和变幻的天幕LED屏,激起场外观众进入的欲望。 Night view into the mini theater.
△ 方案阶段的入口效果图,类似绘本中超现实小剧场的出镜。3D rendering of the store entrance.
△ 同角度高度还原实景,傍晚园区人群下班后放空的场景。Photograph of the store entrance at similar angle.
△ 复古元素剧院门头的仪式感(日景)。Canopy with a touch of arc deco theater entrance (day time).
△ 复古元素剧院门头的仪式感(夜景)。 Canopy with a touch of arc deco theater entrance (night time).
票务间 ‘The Ticket Booth’
万国店拥有一个完全对称的建筑平面,总面积116平米, 设备在其中占据了几乎40%的空间,如何在72平米的空间中传达喜茶的品牌基因和想象力,是这次思考的重点。
The store sits in an octagon shaped, symmetrical plan with a total area of 116 square meters, nearly 40% of which is occupied by the back of house. Hence how to use the rest 72sqm to convey the design intent is crucial.
Following the theatrical entrance, the ordering counter is too borrowed from stage scenes. Here it transformed into a ticket office, with the booth, theater doors and thick velvet curtains, brought the excitement of going to a performance to the ordering experience.
△ 方案阶段的票房效果图,剧场语境下的喜茶柜面。3D rendering of the ‘ticket booth’
△ 白天时段的票务间。Looking into the ‘ticket booth’(day time).
△ 剧场出口和入口灯,拍摄的时候特意等到晚上,关了周围的灯。Looking into the ‘ticket booth’(night time).
在喜茶中喝出银河 Galaxy In a Cup
Holding your cup of tea and walking pass the thick curtain into the theater, the surround dims down and the ceiling shines like the milk way.
△ 喝的不只是茶,喝出自己的小宇宙。The lingering taste of the tea and the galaxy captured in the theater.
△ 方案阶段的室内效果图。3D rendering of the mini theater.
△ 方案阶段的室内效果图,横窗外滤镜后的自然。3D rendering of the mini theater.
△ 爆炸示意图 Exploded-view drawing
剧场向内的主场景,环形座位围绕天幕和地屏展开,灯光也聚焦于此;向外的横窗,框出一条窄而广的现实图景。 The circular arrangements in the mini theater and long narrow look out.
△ 傍晚时分的实景,横窗外天色已暗,天地屏中画面更显浓郁。View to the mini theater before dusk.
△ 白天的实景,室内材质灰调为主,墙面是带有科幻气质和肌理的泡沫铝。 View to the mini theater before dusk.
△ 对称、稳定、向心的剧场观看空间,可变视觉(LED屏)隐喻了“剧”。 Suspended LED screen breaks the symmetrical and centripetal plan, brought drama to the theater.
△ 横窗被滤镜了一层微妙的色彩,向外看到的,并不是百分百的真实世界。Long, horizontal opening with a colored filter to add a sense of unreal to the scene.
△ 三角椅的细节。Customized chair.
△ 水泥椅的细节。 Customized bench.
插画和视觉 Illustrations and Visual
The essence of theater lies on its programs. That’s why we also created visual contents for this project and make the mini theater a whole.
我们邀请了十五岁的广州女孩舒悦文(Ailsa Shu),为喜茶东方万国店创作了一幅插画:
We invited 15 years old illustration artist Ailisa Shu from Guangzhou to create this drawing for HEATEA.
Floating----inspired by classic juicy grape drink by HEYTEA, each of the floating characters are dancing grapes.
剧场中央的天花和地面相对应的LED屏幕上,本项目的照明顾问Lumia lab设计制作了一段的轻快悦动的水果主题动画,与HEATEA主打产品呼应。
Lighting design team Lumia Lab also created an eye catching animation with themed with delicious fruits which reinforces the HEYTEA brand image.
我们还邀请来自武汉的方园,创作了一段围绕喜茶LOGO展开的主题动画。We also invited Fang Yuan from Wuhan to create a thematic animation around the heytea logo.
项目图纸 Drawings
△ 平面图Project Plan
△ 立面图 ‘Theater’ interior elevation
△ 节点图 Detail drawings
设计公司: 蘑菇云设计工作室
类型: 休闲娱乐 商业建筑 甜品店
地点:上海 喜茶东方万国店
照明设计(Lumia Lab照明):庞磊 郑嘉豪
视觉制作:庞磊 方园
材料: 肌理漆 泡沫铝 地砖 金属板
摄影师:夏至 郑世杰
Interior Design: Supercloud Studio
Type: Interior Design,Leisure and Entertainment,Commercial Building,Dessert Shop
Location: E5, building 13, No. 1599, Xinjinqiao Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai
Client: Heytea
Construction Area:116 m2
Year: 2021/12
Interior design(Supercloud studio): Xu Xunxun,Layla Xu, Wang Ruilong, Gan Ruobei
Lighting Design(LUMIA Lab): Lei Pang
Visual Production: Lei Pang, Fang Yuan
Illustrator:Layla Xu,Ailsa Shu
Illustration: Xu Cong, ShuYueWen
Materials: Texture paint, foam aluminum, floor tile, metal plate
Photographer: Xia Zhi,Zheng Shijie