在鹿特丹马斯河畔的Van Brienenoord岛的南侧,NEXT建筑事务所和H+N+S景观事务所共同设计了Maaspoints系列的第一个亮点:马斯河沿岸的特殊场所,项目旨在强化城市与河流、人与自然之间的关系。“水上森林”是该系列的第一个观景点,这是一座由钢管组成的森林,这两种元素冲突而和谐,沿着楼梯向上,可以远眺河流和鹿特丹天际线的景色,向下则可以体验与特定的周期性潮汐近距离接触。
On the south side of
the island of Van Brienenoord in the Maas Rivier in Rotterdam, NEXT architects
and H+N+S landscape architects have designed the first point in the Maaspoints
series: special places along the Maas to strengthen the relationship between city
and river and between people and nature. Water Woods, the first viewing point
in the series, is designed as a forest of steel pipes that together form a
contrast: the stairs going up lead to a panoramic view over the river and the
skyline of Rotterdam, the stairs going down bring the visitor in close contact
with the specific cyclical tides of the water.
The Maas is an important river for the city of Rotterdam. It connects
the city with the port, the sea, Europe, and the rest of the world. The river forms
the connection between north and south and separates the neighbourhoods of the
city. The Maaspoints are specifically designed to strengthen the relationship
between the city’s residents and the river and stand as powerful symbols for
the wider vision of the tidal park. Although each Maaspoint has its own theme
(from ecology to sports and recreation), all Maaspoints share similarities in
structure and concept, forming a network along the Maas. Water Woods
specifically emphasises the unique biodiversity of the Maas. This becomes
clearly visible for its visitors by the various integrated breeding and nesting
Water Woods allows visitors to experience the Maas in a unique way. On
the one hand, the river is put in a wider perspective by the unique panoramic
view; the location in relation to the Rotterdam skyline, the passing boats, and
the connection with the harbour and the water as a whole. On the other hand, an
experience in detail is offered. The specific cyclical ecology of the water can
be seen up close, as well as the wonderful world of local aquatic flora and
“水上森林”的灵感来自鹿特丹市:其概念、建造、结构以及生态功能源于建造该建筑的Van Brienenoord岛。“水上森林”采用了当地常用的耐候钢管,并参考了鹿特丹港的工业传统。该结构由24个直径为600毫米的钢柱组成,通常用作系泊柱。其中16根位于水中,8根位于码头上。除6根承重桩外,其他桩均设有供当地动植物生长的凹槽。
Water Woods is inspired by the city of Rotterdam: the concept,
construction, architecture, and ecological function derive directly from the
specific characteristics of the island of Van Brienenoord, where the
construction is built. The corten steel pipes used to build Water Woods are
commonly used in the area and refer directly to the industrial tradition of the
port of Rotterdam. The construction consists of 24 steel posts with a diameter
of 600 mm, which are often used as mooring posts. Of these, 16 are in the water
and eight on the quay. Six of the piles are load-bearing piles, the other piles
are perforated with recesses for local flora and fauna.
Water Woods is nature-inclusive: the structure provides shelter for the
local Delta nature. The structure is designed to allow visitors to experience
the tidal currents and discover unique delta species, such as the spider marsh
marigold and freshwater mussels that use the structure’s steel pipes as
habitats. Birds and bats also have a place in Water Woods and can breed and
nest at the top of the pipes.
TYPE/PROGRAM: Landmark, lookout point
LOCATION: Rotterdam
/ NL
Oord – Marine Ingenuity
SIZE: 150 m2 (footprint) / 8
m (height)
STATUS: Completed
FINAL DESIGN: March 2019
START BUILDING: September 2019
COMPLETION: December 2019
TEAM: Bart Reuser, Marijn
Schenk, Michel Schreinemachers with Jorn Kooijstra, Bastiaan Luik
IN COLLABORATION WITH: H+N+S Landscape Architects
PHOTOGRAPHY: Artwork: NEXT architects and H+N+S landscape architects
Design logo: Rietveld communication
Animation: studio Tungsten
Photo: Jeroen Verrecht