The site is full of chestnut trees and consists of natural contours. By stepping in to the site, you can feel like walking in a deep forest, and then will see the beautiful scenery of valleys of Seori-Mountain. Seori-Mountain is showing different looks by each hour and each season.
©Kyungsub SHIN
我们希望游客们能在森林中度过一段体验之旅,并回到日常生活中,获得放松和治愈的体验。项目GLAMTREE是“露营亭”(Glamping Pavilion)和树(Tree)的结合,也有丰富自然的含义,在总体规划时,项目设计的灵感来自于森林中的树叶和卵石。
We expected visitors to have a journey of experiencing staying in the forest and returning back to their daily lives with relaxing and healing experiences. 'GLAMTREE' has the meanings of Glamping Pavilion and Tree. It also has a comprehensive meaning of rich nature. The master plan and glamping design is inspired from the leaves and pebbles in the forest.
©Kyungsub SHIN
When you arrive at GLAMTREE, you will first encounter a parking lot with stone walls stacked along the path in the wooden forest. A stone wall is built with the stones from the site. As you walk through the path in forest you will encounter the welcome center that greets visitors.
©Kyungsub SHIN
©Kyungsub SHIN
©Kyungsub SHIN
The roof canopy of Welcome Center floats from the ground, so the transparent façade allows to embrace the nature behind. We designed floating like roof, in order to be experience as a part of nature as if they are still in the forest even when entering the building. The center of the Welcome Center is formed with large terrace like steps, which connects between welcome garden and the creek. The Welcome Center actively embraces the terrain of the land and creates various experiences.
©Kyungsub SHIN
©Kyungsub SHIN
©Kyungsub SHIN
©Kyungsub SHIN
©Kyungsub SHIN
©Kyungsub SHIN
©Kyungsub SHIN
©Kyungsub SHIN
©Kyungsub SHIN
©Kyungsub SHIN
Glamping pavilions naturally settle like leaf veins on small forest paths along the gentle slope of the forest. The glamping pavilions are designed, which was inspired from leaves and pebbles. From the outer terrace of the glamping, the scenery of the nature is experienced.
©Kyungsub SHIN
©Kyungsub SHIN
©Kyungsub SHIN
©Kyungsub SHIN
项目名称:Glamtree Resort
联系电话:+82 2 542 3947
公司地址:韩国 首尔市西大门区延辉路193-8号,邮政编码03697
首席建筑师:Hee-Jun SIM,Su-Jeong PARK
设计团队:Junhyuk SEO, Sooyoung KIM, Yoomi CHAE, Eunsol KIM
项目位置:韩国 京畿道 加平郡 桑面多劳街73号
机械工程师:Shungshin Mechanical Engineer
电气工程师:Shinhan Electrical Engineering co., LTD
图片来源:Kyungsub SHIN, Chaironecreative
Project name: Glamtree Resort
Company name: ArchiWorkshop
Phone number: +82 2 542 3947
Address:193-8 Yeonhui-ro, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea, post code 03697
Lead Architects: Hee-Jun SIM & Su-Jeong PARK
Design Team: Junhyuk SEO, Sooyoung KIM, Yoomi CHAE, Eunsol KIM
Glamping Contractor: ArchiWorkshop
Website: www.archiworkshop.kr
Contact e-mail: office@archiworkshop.kr
Project location: 73, Dorau-gil, Sang-myeon, Gapyeong-gun, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea
Completion Year: 2020
Building area (.0m²): 2,050 .0m²
Structure Engineer: GHDW
Mechanical Engineer: Shungshin Mechanical Engineer
Electrical Engineer: Shinhan Electrical Engineering co., LTD
Photo credits: Kyungsub SHIN, Chaironecreative