Located in Setúbal, this house with a ground floor and a basement, was substantially remodelled by recreating compartments to make it more spacious, functional and with natural lighting. Many steps have been taken in this direction, let's get to know them!
The separation between social and private spaces was a fundamental part of this work, a goal only possible to achieve by creating a sanitary installation next to the hall, relocating the storage and laundry facilities in the large basement. Beyond the available space, the basement has others outstanding features like the incidence of natural lighting and direct access to exterior patio.
The functional and aesthetic transformation went much further to satisfy this three-child family needs by converting a bedroom into a suite, an idea accomplished due to a successful strategy which involved eliminating the access corridor of two existing sanitary facilities. With this space achievement, it was possible to expand both the i.s. of the suite and the i.s. of common use.
▽入口层平面图 Ground floor plan
▽下层平面图 Lower plan
▽剖面图 Section
▽剖面图 Section
Project name: Setúbal House / Casa Setúbal
Company name: João Tiago Aguiar, arquitectos
Website: www.joaotiagoaguiar.com
Contact e-mail: info@joaotiagoaguiar.com
Project location: Setúbal, Portugal
Completion Year: 2016
Construction Area: 453m2
Responsible Architects: João Tiago Aguiar
Project team: Rúben Mateus, Susana Luís, João Nery Morais, André Silva, Maria Sousa Otto, Esteban Carbajo, Rita Lemos, Alexandra Tavares
Client: Private
Builder: BAUKELL
Photograph credits: FG+SG
Photographer´s website: www.ultimasreportagens.com