MeikenRamwood corp.是一家日本工程木业的龙头企业。 该总部大楼预计将成为其产品的全面展示厅,同时也将成为其各种交流的新中心空间。
The MeikenRamwood corp. is a Japanese leading company
of engineered wood. The head office
building is expected to be a full-scale showroom of their products, and also to
be a new central space for their various communication.
▽项目外观 Exterior
结构框架系统由胶合板制成的对角网格柱,以及横跨在它们之间的V形CLT梁组成。 由大型CLT板组成的折叠式屋顶和外墙,以日本苹果木的强烈存在感包裹着整个室内空间。
The structural frame system consists of the diagonal
grid columns made of plywood, and the V-shape CLT beams spanning between
them. The folded roofs and exterior
walls composed of large CLT panels wrap the whole interior space with the
strong existence of Japanese cider wood.
▽项目构造细节 the construction diagram
▽V型结构与梁柱形成充满趣味的空间 the V-shape beams and the columns bring a wonderful spaces
▽上层办公空间 office spaces
▽窗户也随着屋顶的形式变化 windows also change with the form of the roof
▽室内空间 interior spaces
两层楼的建筑中心有一个中庭作为聚会空间,周围布置有工作空间。 位于地面的中庭楼层与位于半地下的一层和其上的二层都有着密切的关系。 通过对结构框架单元的因地制宜的移动,室内空间被对角线网格柱缓缓衔接,同时获得了流动的动感。 室内空间连续而亲切的氛围,使人感到某种程度上的联系和放松。
The two-story building has an atrium as a gathering
space at the center and working spaces arranged around it. The atrium floor at the ground level has close
relationship both to the first floor situated half-underground and the second
floor on top of it. By shifting the
structural frame units according to the site, the interior space is gently
articulated by the diagonal grid columns and gains the flowing movement at the
same time. The
continuous and intimate atmosphere of the interior space make people feel
somehow connected and relaxed.
▽空间的流动秩序 the flowing sapces
▽两层之间的中庭 the atrium
透明的南面立面,以对角网格柱表达了公司的温暖形象和开放的未来。 从分散的建筑聚集在同一屋檐下后,利用固定的座椅与在咖啡馆相互交流的新工作方式已经开始。
The transparent south facade with the diagonal grid
columns expresses the warm image and the open future of the company. After gathering under one roof from dispersed
buildings, their new working style using the free address seats and the
communication cafe has begun.
▽立面细节 the detail of the facade
Project name: MeikenLamwood Corp. Head Office
Company name: NKS2 architects
Project location: Okayama, Japan
Completion Year: 2019
Building area (.0m²): 991m2