项目Tanderrum大桥在城市空间中有很多意义:作为城市的门户,也是Birrarung Marr景观的一部分,同时也是墨尔本与奥林匹克公园和城市之间的“催化剂”,但从根本上说,它是一种人们路途与体验的最终表达。
Tanderrum Bridge can be understood in many ways: as a gateway to the city, a part of the Birrarung Marr landscape, an urban catalyst between Melbourne & Olympic Parks and the city. Fundamentally, it is an expression of a civic journey and experience.
▼项目鸟瞰 Aerial View
Tanderrum 一词指的是库林人和维多利亚州其他原住民民族所举行的仪式,该仪式通常以歌曲、舞蹈和文化交流为特色,并为游客在乡村提供一条安全通道。在设计中,我们想象了墨尔本历史上最重要的奥林匹克公园与下网球场之间的民主谈话,因此场地作为公开演讲、抗议和示威的地点,是墨尔本早期公民活动的重要遗迹。
The word ‘tanderrum’ refers to a ceremony enacted by the nations of the Kulin people and other Victorian aboriginal nations. The ceremony typically features song, dance and cultural exchange and allows safe passage for visitors on country. In the design we imagined a civic dialogue between the democracy of the historically important Speakers Corner and the lower tennis courts of Melbourne & Olympic Parks. Speaker’s Corner was a location for public lectures, protests and demonstrations. It is a critical remnant of civic activity from an earlier era of Melbourne.
The Australian Open is played at Melbourne Park annually, it‘s where players of all rankings have the opportunity to make a statement in sporting terms. The bridge links these two experiences of egalitarianism within the city. Alongside both spaces the bridge becomes a dress circle for pedes trians to observe the activity below.
Nearby steel trussed railway structures and elm tree branches influenced the architectural expression. The result is a filigree character that provides the “framework for a journey”. Fine steel circular sections form balustrading and extend to the underside of the deck as a fine veil which partially covers its structure.
设计的语言表现为强化景观的 “地面层”,并注重每个层的材料差异:有的是混凝土有的是钢结构,然后是其他进一步的水平景观衍生。
The language of the bridge is expressed as a ‘horizontal’ laminar that reinforces the landscape, and focuses on the material differences of each laminate: one in concrete, another in steel, and then other further horizontal landscape derivations.
When approaching by car along Batman Avenue the steel filigree defines a peaked arch, a gateway to the city in the classical tradition of framing a view within the civic realm. For pedestrians, the bridge deck is not flat but ramps up gracefully as it crossesover the road to accentuate the arch.
Tanderrum大桥的景观由两个截然不同的平台组成,但都生动地展示了墨尔本独特的景观类型。在西面,桥依偎在现有的Birrarung Marr边道上,并在桉树从中打开了视野,这是一个与历史公园相邻的临时公园。
The landscape of Tanderrum Bridge comprises two landings, starkly different in character, both vivid demonstrations of uniquely Melbourne landscape types. To the west, the bridge nestles into the existing berm of Birrarung Marr and deflects away to open up a new view of the stand of Eucalyptus camaldulensis and Speakers’ Corner, acontemporary park adjacent to a historic one.
在东面,入口处是墨尔本公园和奥林匹克公园是一个宽阔的、可占用的绿色堤岸,由高耸的树木与带顶棚的Corymbia citriodora提供荫凉。项目同时也围合出了一个公园,人们在其中见面,放松以及在此观察人和时间的流逝。
To the east, the landing unfolds into Melbourne & Olympic Parks as a generous and occupiable green embankment with shade provided by the clean trunked and high-canopied Corymbia citriodora. Acivic gesture offering apark in which to meet, relax and observe the passing by of people and time.
▼项目总平面图 Master Plan
Project name: Tanderrum Bridge
Company name: John Wardle Architects & NADAAA in collaboration with Oculus
Website: www.johnwardlearchitects.com ; www.nadaaa.com ; www.oculus.info
Contact e-mail: enquiries@johnwardlearchitects.com ; nada@nadaaa.com ; australia@oculus.info
Link to film: https://vimeo.com/223252821
Project location: Melbourne, Australia
Completion Year: 2016
Building area (.0m²): 700 sq.m. GFA. Bridge length, end to end is 390 metres with single spans up to 44 metres
Structural Engineer: GHD
Building Services Engineer: GHD
Civil Engineer:GHD
Geotechnical Engineer: GHD and Golders
Sustainability (ESD) consultancy: Cundall
Building Surveyor: McKenzie Group
Accessibility Consultant: McKenzie Group
Acoustic Consultant; GHD
Landscape Architect: Oculus
Lighting Designer: Electrolight
Heritage Architects: RBA
Signage and Wayfinding: Buro North
Traffic and Pedestrian Modelling: GHD
Photo credits: Kristoffer Paulsen, Peter Bennetts, Nils Koenning