马尔默市目前正在向尼汉嫩的老海港地区发展,新建了许多住房、办公空间、商业场所,中央车站旁边的铁轨规划了一个新的法院。Bangardsterrassen 是一个为行人设计的高架阳台,它将面向铁路,向行人提供了一个视野开阔、阳光充足的公共场所,其中的自行车桥可以连接到旧城。
The city of Malmö is currently growing into the old harbour areas of Nyhamnen with housing, office space, commercial premises and a new courthouse planned by the train tracks right next to the Central Station. Bangårdsterrassen, a planned elevated balcony for pedestrians, will face the railway yard and offer new opportunities to create public places with a view, sunny location and close access to the old town via a coming bicycle bridge.
Mandaworks has together with the land owner Jernhusen developed a plan for a range of public spaces knitting the built structure into a unique new part of Malmö. As coordinators and design advisors within the detail planning process, we have developed a design strategy for public space: The Seven Pearls. It's based on the vision of a necklace of places with strong individual character that interact with their surrounding buildings in various ways, from a lusch green street park, a warm welcoming courthouse plaza to the colourful railway terrace. The intention is to create an attraction point that will gather both visitors and Malmö residents to meet and enjoy their city.
With playful visualizations Mandaworks has created a new image of the site's potential, in order to inspire and keep the project together through the process. The proposal is at the moment on public evaluation for detail plan.
客户:Jernhusen AB
项目团队:Martin Arfalk, Patrick Verhoeven, Sunna Pfeiffer, Andrei Deacu, Danny Bridson, Sara Ezeldin, Mariada Stamouli
合作者:Kanozi Architects, Malmö Municipality
LOCATION:Malmö, Sweden
SIZE:6 ha
TYPE:Detail planning process
STATUS:Public and authority review (samrådsskede)
CLIENT:Jernhusen AB
PROJECT TEAM:Martin Arfalk, Patrick Verhoeven, Sunna Pfeiffer, Andrei Deacu, Danny Bridson, Sara Ezeldin, Mariada Stamouli
COLLABORATORS:Kanozi Architects, Malmö Municipality