Rokytnice nad Jizerou有了四名新的警卫。它们坐落在Strážník的顶部,象征着四个村庄,它们在古代共同组成了Rokytnice镇——狐狸、熊、羊和矿工——警卫巡逻队。
Rokytnice nad Jizerou has four new guards. Perched on top of the Strážník, they symbolize the four villages that combined to form the town of Rokytnice in ancient times - the Fox, the Bear, the Sheep and the Miner - The Guard Patrol.
The Guard Patrol project was designed by Mjölk architekti in 2014, They were inspired by the figures in the town's coat of arms.
The Stráž mountain, or Strážník as the locals call it,in the past, was one of the places where signals were sent by fire when enemy armies invaded our lands. Today they provide a view not only of the surrounding landscape, but also from one to another.
狐狸|The Fox
狐狸栖息在第一个悬崖上。长长的身躯立于石上,尾巴伸入山谷。他可以看到整个 Rokytnice山和周围的山丘。他以敏锐的眼光注视着莱萨山上的最后一次积雪融化,他知道山坡上的第一株月见草会在何时盛开,那里春日的光芒熠熠生辉,夏日的阳光晒白了他的背,秋雨使狐狸的木衣变黑。
The fox is perched on the first cliff. His long body stands on the stone, his tail sticks out into the valley. He can see all of Rokytnice and the surrounding hills. With a keen eye he watches the last snow melting on Lysá mountain, he knows about the first primroses on the slopes, where the rays of the spring sun are shining. The summer sun bleaches his back, the autumn rains darken the fox's wooden coat.
The fox can be seen from a small footbridge nearby, along with a seating area that is perfect for an afternoon snack. There are more stops like this along the way, so if it gets crowded at the Fox, there will definitely be room for you elsewhere.
熊|The Bear
熊躲在离狐狸不远的树林里。他站在蓝莓灌木丛中的一块岩石上,凝视着树梢。他看起来吃得很饱,身体很好。“快来趴我背上!”熊叫喊着,邀请你去一个瞭望台,即使大雾笼罩在山上也能看清山间的景色。运气好的时候,你会看到一只灵动的啄木鸟,甚至会看到一群小鹿在守望台上的树林里漫步。这只熊来自Dolní Rokytnice,但他似乎很喜欢这里。他性格平易近人,所以不用害怕,快爬上他的背,一览这山间的美景。
The bear is hiding in the woods just a short distance from the Fox. He's standing on a piece of rock among the blueberry bushes, peering into the treetops. He looks well fed, there's a good chunk of him. "Get on my back!" Bear calls out, inviting you to a lookout that works even when the fog rolls over the mountains. If you're lucky, you'll see a woodpecker in action, and if you land, you might even see a herd of fawns roaming the woods atop the Watch. The bear is from Dolní Rokytnice, but he seems to like it up here. It's quiet and he likes people, so don't be afraid to listen to him. Get on his back.
绵羊|The Sheep
这只羊从Horní Rokytnice的草甸漫步到Stráž河上。她守护着通往矿工的小路。她蜷缩在拥有蓝莓灌木丛的森林里,向游客提供她坚实的后背。爬上梯子,拍拍她的背,她会很高兴的。
The sheep has wandered onto the Stráž from the meadows of Horní Rokytnice. She guards the path to the Miner. Huddled in the forest among the blueberry bushes, she offers her back to the most precious ones. Climb the ladder and pat her back, she'll be glad.
矿工|The Miner
Cross the footbridge to reach the Miner. He stands on a high cliff, which the local climbers call K5. His character is a reference to the mining past of Rokytnice. As a symbol of Rokytno, he is the last of the patrol. The stately figure gazes down into the Jizera valley. A steep staircase leads you to a lookout with a magnificent view. If you listen closely, you may even hear the sparkling waters of the river as it makes its way through the wild valley from the mountains on the Polish borders. Sit on the steps and watch the horizon of the hills above the river, it's beautiful.
Technical sheet
Project: The Guard Patrol
Year(s) of construction: 2021
Use: The Municipality of Rokytnice nad Jizerou
Area: 17 .0m² The Fox
14 .0m² The Bear
9 .0m² The Sheep
10 .0m² The Miner
Photo credits:BoysPlayNice,
Digital Collages
Mjölk architekti