“生态飘带”生态景观桥 ——澳大利亚景观师协会竞赛
'Ribbons of Life' A Living Bridge in Canberra - Remaking Lost Connections design competition entry organised by Australian Institute of Landscape Architects (AILA)
由澳大利亚景观师协会(AILA)联合首都政府(NCA),城市更新委员会,环境规划及可持续发展委员会一同组织的 Remaking Lost Connections 设计竞赛,旨在搭建堪培拉未来城市发展与当下可持续发展的相关议题之间的桥梁,从景观角度提出对气候异常,生境缺失,健康人居等可持续发展议题从城市更新的角度提出创新解决方案。
This competition is organised by ACT Chapter of Australian Institute of Landscape Architects, in partnership with the National Capital Authority (NCA), Environment Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate (EPSDD) and the City Renewal Authority (CRA) themed Remaking the Lost Connections. The goal is to explore new ideas about the future sustainable city development with the current natural, cultural, and environmental issues, focusing on climate change, loss of habitat, sustainable lifestyle, therefore raise innovative solutions and approaches for the urban renewal of Canberra City.
Our design is to create a water axis based on the existing road bridge, Commonwealth Avenue, above Lake Griffin in the Canberra City centre. Lake Griffin is a scenic landmark expanded from the Molonglo River as a part of the city plan back in 1963. During the lake construction, some Aboriginal Ngunawal cultural sites and rock paintings went inundated forever. The enlarged water body separated the natural passage even further away, although road bridges were constructed, the natural habitat had strongly impacted.
我们提议的“生态飘带”(Ribbons of Life),依托连接国会三角和城市CBD的联邦大桥而建。为原大桥包裹了一层森林外壳。从河的上游提取一片原生植被林地(Bushland),覆盖于曲面形态的混凝土薄壳结构之上,呼应堪培拉国会大厦覆土建筑的原型,成为大桥的生态上盖;同时提取被永久淹没的土著岩画,以激光投影的形式投射在薄壳结构的底面,形成通行桥的艺术天穹,重拾遗失的土著文化赋予其新形式的重生。
The proposed Ribbons of Life is to create a forest shell over the existing road bridge between the Parliament House and the CBD. Imitating a piece of sample bushland from the natural reserve located in the upper stream of the Molonglo River, the forest will cover the concrete shell in an organic form, echoing the green architecture of the Parliament House. Under the shell, the inundated aboriginal art will be revived by projection on the structure to represent the lost cultural heritage.
The forest ribbon is also a wildlife corridor, connecting the parks on the north and south of the lake, width varies from approximately 30 metres to 100 metres, a safe passage for indigenous wildlife. The creation of the organic form has integrated the views to the surrounding landmarks, such as Cook Capitan Memorial Jet on the lake, Natural Museum of Australia on the peninsula in the east-west, proposed new waterfront development on the north-west bank, and the Capital Hill on the south.
The west fringe extends into the water becomes a wetland, providing the water access for the passengers and the water plants will contribute to improving water quality.
与“生态飘带” 并行,但却又彼此相互独立的,是一条名为“城市飘带”的线性公园。两条飘带相互缠绕交错,形成全方位,多角度的互动关系,但又保持物理上的分离,以避免产生对生物通道的人为干扰,却又最大限度引入对公众的生态教育机会。
The other ribbon is the linear park, another independent structure for people passage. Two ribbons twine through the living corridor are separate but have a tight relationship. It provides educational opportunities in the open space while minimising the disturbance to wildlife activities. Solar panels are also integrated into paving to generate clean power for the use of luminance, operation, and possible future transport.
The key components of the linear park consist of:
1. Bird observing corridor situates above the wildlife corridor;
2. Plaza facing the water jet in the lake centre;
3. Laser projection art under the forest shell; and
4. Water life observing channel.
The microtopography design and plant selection are considered for the resources and needs, creating a healthy food chain and network for fauna. It has provided a natural habitat for migration and a safe living environment. The landscape feature includes windbreak forests on both sides, nectar meadow, woodland, rocky bushland, and wetland. Rocks and logs will be placed in the natural arrangement to provide shelters along migration passage.
Our wildlife corridor and the linear park have set an example for the future Garden City Plan action. It gives a new direction for sustainable city development, which raises the awareness of environmental threats, and correct the misconceptions of ‘Green represents Ecology’ and ‘Parks means Ecology’. In respect of nature and local history, reflecting the spirit of the place, our design has established the future direction of sustainable urban development.
The work will be exhibited for two weeks at the National Capital Exhibition Hall in Canberra in late June 2019.
卓承学(George Zhuo) - 承象景观(CX Landscape) 创始人,墨尔本设计总监,澳大利亚注册景观师
彭晶 - 承象景观(CX Landscape) 布里斯班设计总监,澳大利亚注册景观师
赵艺栋(Simon Zhao) 建筑师/3D渲染师
董吉程(Daniel Dong) 建筑师
黄安妮(Annie Huang) 景观师
Design Team:
George Zhuo, Registered Landscape Architect, CX Landscape Founder and Design Director in Melbourne
Jing Peng, Registered Landscape Architect, CX Landscape Design Director in Brisbane
Simon (Yidong) Zhao, Architect/3D Visualiser
Danniel Dong, Architect
Annie Huang, Landscape Architect