The Gletschergarten is located at the foot
of a large sandstone rock in Lucerne. The origin of the sandstone goes back to
a marine beach that formed the then tropical area of Lucerne 20 million years
The interventions in the Glacier Garden are
inspired by the scientific zeal of the 19th century. The romantic curiosity
with which people explored nature at that time and wanted to penetrate even
uncanny phenomena should also guide visitors through the Glacier Garden.
Similar to the protagonists in an adventure novel by Jules Verne, visitors
travel alone or in small groups to an alien world. The story virtually develops
on its own - the journey is the destination. During the Lucerne Journey to the
Center of Time, visitors are imaginatively entertained and various scientific
phenomena can be explored and investigated. It is a diverse juxtaposition of
natural science, adventure novel and utopian elements.
穿过入口,就能进入岩石世界。 渐渐地,人们会被岩石带来的气候所环绕:岩石内部会形成潮湿的空间环境,并且基本不受季节影响。沿着这条路径,可以发现和体验到地球历史上的不同自然现象。
Through the access portal, one reaches the
very own world lying in the rock. Gradually, one is embraced by the climate of
the rock: a humid environment of spaces driven into the rock, largely
independent of the seasons. Along the path, different phenomena of the earth's
history can be discovered and experienced.
The strong spatial mood is shaped by the
predominant material, stone, and the elemental experiences of light and dark,
confinement and expanse, sound and silence. The geometry and location of the
rooms are oriented to the prevailing stratification of the sandstone, which is
out of plumb due to Alpine folding, and the existing fissures. This leads to
oblique cross-sections of passages and caverns, which reinforces the specific
perception of the rooms. The rock is left visible in many places and only
secured invisibly to visitors where necessary for safety reasons.
Visitors reach the Sommerau via a staircase
that climbs up the rock face on one side of the garden courtyard. From a depth
of about thirty meters, visitors climb step by step towards the light and
experience elementary natural phenomena and perceptions.
The new museum rooms will be built in the
northern part of the site as an artificial extension of the mountain, using the
excavated material as a concrete structure. The qualities of the Schweizerhaus
itself have been strengthened. It is a typical historical residential building
with remarkable interior. A small bistro with a museum store was built into the
first floor of the building facing south, from which the terrace areas are also
Project name: Museum extension
Gletschergarten Lucerne
Company name: Miller & Maranta dipl.
Architekten ETH BSA SIA Schützenmattstrasse 31, 4051 Basel
Website: www.millermaranta.ch Contact
e-mail: info@millermaranta.ch Project location: Lucerne, Denkmalstrasse 4
Completion Year: 2022 Building area (.0m²): approx. 500 Other participants: -
Photo credits: Ruedi Walti, Kannenfeldstrasse 22, 4056 Basel