由Henning Larsen建筑事务所设计的总体规划,其灵感启发于胜景西湖,在都市环境之下创造了一个“闹中取静,虚实对比”的新节点,成就了东湖公园成为余杭区的文化新标地。
Through a compelling masterplan designed by Henning Larsen Architects, the East Lake Park is a new cultural destination for Hangzhou’s Yuhang District. Driven by a vision to mirror Hangzhou’s famed West Lake, this competition winning masterplan creates a geographically contrasting node for culture in the urban region.
The East Lake is a delicately curated water body that lies at the heart of its surrounding parkland and forms the shimmering, reflective backdrop for the new Opera. A meandering promenade circles the lake, enabling a diverse range of landscape features, leisure and commercial facilities to thrive along. The exterior edge of the park borders a high-speed rail station that has been instrumental in Yuhang’s recent growth and will welcome even more visitors to the new cultural destination.
The water body also forms an integral part of the regional waterway system, its hydrological mechanism has been carefully planned to safeguard both water quality and performance in the event of flood relief. This multi-facet role of the East Lake Park bestows both challenges and inspiration to the design team.
▽粼粼波光上漂浮的歌剧院,The opera floating on the sparkling waves
The Opera dominates the skyline of the lake, visually and physical connects with the surroundings through its publicly accessible sloping landscape. This reminiscence in form and scale to ancient manmade landforms (from the ancient Liangzhu culture) became the founding concept which inspires the landscape design of the lake.
▽曲折的驳岸,tortuous barge
与优雅的歌剧院交相呼应的,是由 3个特色景观区营造出的公园布局。 “雕塑群岛区”, “密林探索区” 和 “湖光森林公园区” 创造了精致的景观场景, 映衬着公园里的建筑瑰宝。
In response to the elegantly poised Opera, 3 distinct landscape character zones are created to carve this intricate, yet harmonised layout of the East Lake Park. “The Archipelago”, “The Forest Excursion” and “The Promenade Park” complement the Park’s unique architectural jewel and create an exquisite landscape composition.
▽景观亭与大剧院,Landscape Pavilion and Grand Theatre
▽艺术景观亭,Art landscape pavilion
▽色彩浓烈的艺术搭配,A strong artistic match
“The Archipelago” invites visitors to stride through numerous footbridges and islands, this contrasting experience through densely planted islands and open view bridge decks pays tribute to the traditional Chinese landscape philosophy.
▽植物围合的折线景观桥,A folding landscape bridge surrounded by plants
▽建筑与自然交相呼应,Architecture and nature echo each other
▽树丛掩映的园路,A garden road covered by trees
▽自然跌水,Natural falling water
▽滑板场地,Skateboarding grounds
▽密林探索区俯视,The dense forest exploration area overlooks
“The Forest Excursion” celebrates nature as the catalyst for urban development, through lush woodland setting, diverse planting palette and leisure programs this area promotes urban ecology as an integral part to our urban life.
▽水光驳岸,water-light barge
▽覆土建筑,Earth-covered buildings
▽滨湖跑道,Lakeside runway
▽湖滨小筑,Small house by the lake
▽景观木平台,Landscape wood platform
“The Promenade Park” features an open waterfront boulevard flanked by commercial frontages which are embedded into the surrounding landscape (as landform buildings). Visitors may meander seamlessly onto the roof to appreciate the panoramic view across the East Lake. The park’s identity is further reinforced through visually stimulating features across the landscape, notably the majestic square arch which “floats” staunchly on the lake surface striking a compelling visual dialogue with the Opera.
▽侧望大剧院,Look at the Grand Theatre
▽雨中落樱与涟漪,Cherry blossoms and ripples fall in the rain
▽屋顶一角,A corner of the roof
The process of detail design and construction management contributed tremendously in securing the design vision. The amount of time spent on interrogating the detail components and site control were phenomenal thanks to a devoted team of local designers, contractors and client. The East Lake Park is a humble example of dedication and collaborative effort in crafting our future cities.
▽01_final design image concept
▽02_final design image plan
▽03_final design image perspective
▽04_final design image diagrams
▽05_final design image details
▽06_final design image details
▽07_final design masterplan drawing
景观设计:棕榈生态城镇发展股份有限公司、AECOM Asia Company Limited
AECOM Asia Company Limited: Andy Lewis, Stephen Suen, John Montgomery, Amy Foong, Rose Tan, Anita Yan, Maybelle Mejia Reyes, Kate Lau, David Gallacher, Edwin Fung, Lina Li
Henning Larsen Architects: Claude Godefroy, Elva Tang
Bassinet Turquin Paysage: Remy Turquin
建筑设计:Henning Larsen Architects(建筑方案+总体规划)、杭州市城建设计研究院有限公司(建筑施工图+市政设计)
其他合作单位:Bassinet Turquin Paysage(概念规划+景观设计)