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蛇形画廊是伦敦最受欢迎的现当代艺术画廊之一,原先它只是一座1934年建造的古典风格的茶馆,现在每年大概有75万人参观该画廊的展览。虽说画廊举办过许多场风格各异的展览,但每一场都离不开一核心理念——创造建筑与自然的空间,让作品入画,融合到自然环境之中。2015年,蛇形画廊在伦敦举办的第15界年度展览中引入了当下最流行的建筑元素,因此被称为蛇形画廊的里程碑之作。此次的临时展馆由西班牙建筑事务所SelgasCano操刀,以“透明度”为主题,结合“公园”和“伦敦”两个关键词,带来一条七彩缤纷的糖果色秘密通道-Colorful Cave Pavilion。看到伦敦皇家公园那美丽的自然景致一刻起,两位西班牙藉的设计师就开始寻求一种既能不破坏自然的原始风光,又舒适自在的建筑材料。要想达到建筑和自然和谐共处的局面,结构、光线、形式、变式、色彩、敏感度和材料透明度这些基本元素每一项都要纳入考虑范围,并且根据设计的需要重新排列组合。2 g. n" {7 u; N; N4 y8 ^6 q* \
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$ P. {; R& d* p9 j) O4 t5 a% L6 {4 kAs with previous Pavilion commissions, the brief is to design a flexible, multi-purpose social space with a café that is open to all throughout the summer. Previous selgascano projects include the amorphous Plasencia Auditorium and Congress Centre, Cáceres; the light filled harbour-side structure of El ‘B’, Cartagena Auditorium and Congress Centre; the playful floating shapes of Mérida Factory Youth Movement. selgascano’s work is characterised by a use of synthetic materials and new technologies, often rarely applied to architecture. Taking inspiration from Luis Barragan and Richard Rogers, the architects use distinctive colours and references to nature throughout their designs. Their belief that architecture is secondary to nature also informs the design course on Nature and Climatology that they teach at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and their work on the Educational and Medical Pavilion in Turkana, Kenya.
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