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图片关键词: 公园 创意 塑料薄膜 景观小品 设计 环境艺术 公共艺术景观 艺术装置 艺术景墙 艺术 公园 景观 创意小品 艺术设计 公共艺术 艺术装置意向 艺术雕塑 艺术廊架 艺术装置 艺术小品景观 景观设计 公共空间 艺术景观 " ?) g" H" j5 O
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作为建筑和设计界一年一度的盛事,2015年的伦敦蛇形画廊在上周正式向公众开放了。今年的蛇形画廊由Selgas Cano设计,力图用大量四氟乙烯薄膜和尽量少的硬质结构营造一个轻薄丰富的空间。这些薄膜具有不均匀的色彩和厚度,从内部看起来就像是彩色的糖浆,非常可爱。但它的外表也引来了英国很多媒体的猛烈批评,“垃圾袋”,“蔬菜大棚”,诸如此类——多么似曾相识的场景。2 x# @6 R4 g- x ~: z) t9 f
José Selgas and Lucía Cano, who formed the practice selgascano in 1998 in Madrid, have completed the majority of their buildings in Spain through a diverse range of commissions. The studio is currently working on a number of projects worldwide, including Pip House, Laurel Canyon, Los Angeles; the renovation of Texas Square in Oranjestad, Aruba, Lesser Antilles; and La Canaria House, Mount Washington, Los Angeles.8 a! r* `2 f! o# R! e3 f
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) @+ R$ N& `4 n* z; m- v$ J R5 {Exhibiting at the Guggenheim Museum and the Museum of Modern Art, New York, as well as MOT, Tokyo, and the Design Museum, London, selgascano was chosen for the Venice Architecture Biennale in 2010, curated by Japanese architect Kazuyo Sejima of SANAA, architects of the Serpentine’s 2009 Pavilion. selgascano has designed the interior of Second Home, a revolutionary new workspace for London’s creative industries in the heart of London’s technology quarter in Shoreditch.+ C' w: Q) ?! s8 [0 L
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