Project Name: Slovenia交通环岛上的喷泉水景设计 Location: Slovenia Project Type: 城市公共空间园林景观设计 交通广场景观规划设计 Key words: Podcetrtek Traffic Circle 喷泉 喷泉广场 喷泉景观 喷泉设计 喷泉小品 公共环境 岩石喷泉 水景设计 水景意向 园林水景 水景 创意水景 水景设计 水景景观设计 广场水景 水景意向图 水景观 建筑水景设计 水景细部 水景雕塑 裂纹水景 水景小品 裂变
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喷泉 喷泉广场 喷泉景观 喷泉设计 喷泉小品 公共环境
喷泉 喷泉广场 喷泉景观 喷泉设计 喷泉小品 公共环境
The large, dark concrete blocks allude to the design the monolithic volume of the sports hall. The play of light on the irregular arrangement of the elements forms a composition of surfaces, which corresponds to the expression of the hall’s folded volume. The layout of the inner part of the roundabout as a whole suggests a tectonic shift somewhere beneath the Earth’s surface having caused the road surface to bloat and belched out the massive blocks. In combination with the water, which sporadically rises to the surface between the clefts, it is somewhat reminiscent of geyser-strewn basalt strata, its appearance thus also evoking the spa complex.