Project Name:意大利都灵工业遗址公园Parco Dora景观设计 Location: 意大利 Project Type: 公园景观规划设计 工业遗址公园景观设计 后工业景观设计 Key words: 工业遗址 工业遗址公园 主题公园 室外公园 公园规划 公园设计公园意向图 公园景观 公园景观设计 公园意向 景观公园 公园景观规划 公园规划设计 主题公园景观 专类公园景观 工业 工业改造 工业遗址景观 后工业景观 工业景观设计 工业遗址保护 工业景观 工业公园 工业遗址公园 后工业 工业遗产 工业遗址 All photos :© Latz + Partner 文字/翻译zoscape |
Parco Dora是由意大利都灵Turin的一个工业遗址改建的项目。1998年政府对原有的废弃工业用地推出改建计划。随着社会结构转型,城市景观也逐步展现出不同的面貌。An urban renewal programme (Programma di Riqualificazione Urbana PRIU) was launched in 1998 to regenerate these areas of post-industrial dereliction and to give them a new use.Reminiscent of a necklace, the interventions line up along a development axis called the “spina” (backbone). With 45 hectares “Spina 3” is the largest project within the comprehensive structural redevelopment. Due to the positive inclusion of its industrial heritage the Parco Dora signifies a new understanding of inner urban landscapes that reflects the transition of society.
意大利都灵工业遗址公园展示着可持续发展的理念,这个工业遗址公园拥有5个独立的版块,公园的每个版块都具有工业遗址公园独特的个性,且公园的每个部分相互联系紧密为一个整体。The park comprises five separate areas (“Lotti“), three of which are named after the industrial companies that used to occupy the site: Ingest, Vitali and Michelin, in addition to Valdocco North and Corso Mortara, situated above the new tunnel. The site is dominated by the River Dora, main traffic arteries and new residential areas, but its true and unique character is derived from the remnants of its industrial past.
The connection between the park‘s five areas and the links into the surrounding neighbourhoods were an essential element in the sustainable concept for the new park. The aim was to incorporate the individual character of each area, to strengthen and enhance them with new elements and create a unified park experience.
在公园中,有着各种穿插的交通元素,例如长廊,坡道,台阶,桥,这些元素将公园五个部分更加紧密的联系在一起,其中700米长6米高的高架人行道穿越公园主要广场区域,为人们提供了新的视野面。 植物在都灵工业遗址公园中成为公园建筑物之间缓冲区和公园广场休息的庇护。公园中这些欣欣向荣不断繁衍的植物让公园工业遗迹有了新的气象。
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