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+ X1 Q/ z" q+ E/ k4 {市民广场的设计理念回答了两个主要的问题:如何在如此大尺度上营造一个舒适的人性空间,同时做为一个大型城市交通枢纽容纳所有的功能需求。第一个问题被广场的空间组织创造性地解决。广场的中心区域设计展示了一个公共聚集的平台,地面采用天然石材铺装玫瑰花形状,从而用一种既有装饰性又有代表意义的手段来展现沈阳市花的象征。
9 z. T( E/ ~* R8 ~The design of Citizens’ Square offers conceptual solutions to two key issues: how to create a comfortable human scale on such a large plaza space and at the same time accommodate all the functional needs of a large infrastructural node. The first is addressed by the creative organization of the plaza. The center of the plaza provides a large space where people can gather. The rose, a symbol of the city of Shenyang, is incorporated into the natural stone paving pattern. This inner plaza is surrounded by a series of spaces that are designed more intimately. 5 L! C: K- ~4 S% H4 H
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