RESIDENTIAL AND OFFICE郑州雁鸣湖住宅与办公楼景观设计项目位于河南郑州市中牟县雁鸣湖畔,建设方作 为一级土地开发商对整个大雁鸣湖区域进行整体开 发,打造成一个国家级生态旅游休闲渡假区。雁鸣湖住宅与办公楼景观基地位于雁鸣湖区核心位置占地约60万平方米,包括高端别墅、度假酒店、商业区和办公楼区。
我们的设计本着绿色生态的原则充分利用雁鸣湖优越的自然条件,营造充满活力和舒适的居住环境。 通过对公共生态公园的打造,让访客和当地居民对新雁鸣湖景观有一个全新的体验和认识。利用雁鸣湖住宅与办公楼景观基地本身平坦的地形进行局部造坡以营造丰富的社区生活体验,在住宅区主入口处营造波澜起伏的景观,丰富场地高差,强调郁郁葱葱与活力的植栽和色彩对比,加强了整个雁鸣湖的旅游区形象。
This project is located in Zhengzhou City near the famous Yanming Lake. The master plan for Yanming Lake is to create an ecological leisure tourism area. This project is the start prject which will set up the new image for Yanming Lake Area and attract more investment and visitor. This is an integrated development project including high-end villa, spa hotel, commercial area and office building.
This is a Italian and Spanish style project and we using the advantage of the natural flat landform to create a dramatic and sculptural landform; especially using different levels and various color planting to emphasize the image and vision of the main entrance. Taking the opportunity of the natural resources of Yanming Lake to establish a vitality and comfortable living environment; The design of the public ecology park not only give the visitor a new experience and vision of Yanming Lake but also create a new image for the trourism area.