The Keating Channel Precinct作为通往振兴港口之地,它将改善和加强北面和东面以及新兴社区的联系。The Keating Channel Precinct滨水景观规划设计项目将包含城市基础设施建设,服务多种类型人群如城市居民,工人以及有课的公园和城市公共空间规划。
The Keating Channel Precinct的规划设计将有利于城市土壤修复,雨水管理和能源系统的可持续发展。此外,对于The Keating Channel Precinct的建筑形式概念强调社会生活性,优先考虑多样性,舒适性和易用性。
The Keating Channel Precinct will be the first neighborhood of Toronto’s Lower Don Lands, and will become a viable development through an integrated effort to flood protect a large portion of the city paired with reworking existing city infrastructure to accommodate the new vision of mixed-use communities. The Precinct will build on the legacy and amenity of the Keating Channel and stitch together the city fabric around the northeast corner of the Toronto Inner Harbor.
The organization of the Lower Don Lands plan, and within it the Keating Channel Precinct, starts with the realignment of the Don River and the preservation of the Keating Channel. These two entities form the basic public realm armature around which the plan is structured. The plan mandates a green approach to design, developing sustainable methods of flood protection, soil remediation, stormwater management, and energy systems.