燕尾洲已经成为浙江金华这一繁华都市中唯一尚有自然蒹葭和枫杨的芳洲,其大部分土地已经被开发为金华市的文化中心,现建有中国婺剧院,洲的两侧堤岸分别是密集的城市居民区和滨江公园,但由于开阔的江面阻隔,市民难以到达和使用洲上的文化设施。留下的洲头共26公顷的河漫滩,其中部分因采砂留下坑凹和石堆,地形破碎,另一部分尚存茂密植被和湿地,受季风性气候影响,每年受水淹没,形成了以杨树、枫杨为优势种的群落,是金华市中心唯一留存的河漫滩生境,为多种鸟类和生物提供庇护, 包括当地具有标志意义的白鹭。
公园中横跨三江六岸的富有弹性和动感的步行桥,联接城市的南北两大组团,以及城市与江洲公园。公园步行桥的设计以金华当地民俗文化中的“板凳龙”作为灵感来源。 在生态公园中,流线的铺装纹理基底上,分布圆弧形的种植池,里面种满水杉或竹丛,色彩鲜艳的圆弧形座椅作为边界,这些圆形种植区是场地雨水的收集区,如雨滴落在水面上泛起的圆形水波。
Water resilient terrain and plantings are designed to adapt to the monsoon floods; A resilient bridge and paths system are designed to adapt to the dynamic water currents and people flows. The bridge and paths connect the city with nature and connect the past to the future; Resilient spaces are created to fulfill the need for temporary, intensive use by the audience from the opera house, yet are adaptable for daily use by people seeking intimate and shaded spaces.
The river currents, the flow of people, and the gravity of objects are all woven together to form a dynamic concord. This is achieved through the meandering vegetated terraces, curvilinear paths, a serpentine bridge, circular bio-swales and planting beds, and curved benches. The project has given the city a new identity and is now acclaimed as its most poetic landscape.