从市政道路转进来,进入电梯大堂,这里是集约化的的微缩城市与自然闲适生活的完美结合。景观设计师用一个简洁精致 “漂浮的盒子”的概念引入城市绿化景观,暗喻“天空”,外挂树形图案的穿孔铝板暗喻“树”,运用现代东方的建筑美学,树影婆娑的幕墙肌理,假山真水的景观布局,呈现专注匠心的细部品格。
在公园戏台的对面便是场地标志性构筑物,作为“高品质生活圈”的聚集地,在这里,打造集SPA&瑜伽&健身等多功能聚合的会所,同时还能奢享约1300.0㎡地下泳池和亲水平台,尽揽“绿地 • 天空树”的绮丽景致。
穿过电梯大堂便展现出一派 “喧鸟覆春洲,杂英满芳甸 ”的生机景象。公园草地上精致的蒲公英小品装置艺术跃然眼前,整个场地焕发着新的生命力,溪水边更设置了有趣的艺术装置,让亲子家庭在此流连忘返。
The sky-tree is an exploratory project to well mix the location with the geographic context. What is distinctive about it is not the arrangement of traditional functions or the consummation of interests, but the communion between the “pattern” and “motion” based on the site. It is to create the first TOD complex in Wuxi. As the first project on the top of subway station in Wuxi, Problems like severe earthing and planting situations, complex water discharge and drainage organization, load calculation and management, rooting methods of landscape structures basis, choice and maintenance of plant materials all have significant limitations.
How to overcome the difficulties, how to establish an emotional connection between the building and the site, How to balance the dual needs of building commercial and residential formats on intensive sites are the most important challenge we may face.
It is divided into the following parts: sky park, Liangxi cultural stage, vitality dwelling on the cloud, multi-level valley. We want to create a place which citizens can enjoy together, a stage for cultural performances, a healthy and vibrant community, a three-dimensional transportation metropolis. Enter through the road, enter the elevator lobby and you can catch the sight of the name of the project which is sky tree. It is the perfect combination of miniature city and natural leisure life. We use a simple and elegant concept of “floating box” into the urban landscape, it can be a metaphor for “sky”. The perforated aluminum which is shape of tree can be a metaphor for “tree”.