“老北京有句形容孩子淘气的俗话,‘三天不打,上房揭瓦’。屋顶对孩子来说是充满魔力的。在四合院空间中,屋顶就像是一片新的大地,是无拘无束、自由的象征。” 四合院幼儿园“漂浮的屋顶”以低矮平缓的姿态水平展开,将幼儿园不同建筑间有限的空间最大限度地转化成为一个孩子户外运动和活动的平台。 幼儿园二层是一片广阔的色彩斑斓的户外平台,这里是孩子们室外运动、课余互动玩耍的主要场所。幼儿园平台的西南侧,像是一个个“小山丘”与“平原”相互交错,地形高低起伏。
幼儿园漂浮的屋顶下方则是开放布局的教学空间、图书馆、小剧场、室内运动场等,将是400名2-5岁孩子的日常教育空间。 幼儿园流动的空间布局提供了一种自由、共融的空间氛围;新空间与古四合院相邻相望,新旧交替,孩子们随时能近观、接触历史,帮助他们加深对时间维度和历史的认知。幼儿园新建部分围绕三棵古树设计了新的院落,与四合院的院落空间呼应,为学校教学空间提供了户外的延展和采光通风。
"There is a saying in old Beijing when children are naughty: ‘if you go three days without being punished, the roof will cave in," says MAD principal, Ma Yansong. Playing on this, MAD envisions the rooftop of the “Courtyard Kindergarten” as a place full of magic – a playful escape for the children that is a symbol of freedom and endless imagination.
Unfolding onto the site with a low and gentle posture, the roof transforms the limited space between the various buildings, into a colorful playground that functions as the main place for children to engage in outdoor sports and activities. On the southwest side of the roof, a subtly undulating surface of several small ‘hills’ and ‘plains’ creates a high and low terrain, forming a playful landscape.
Below the floating roof, MAD has designed the interior of the kindergarten as an open-concept layout that serves as a teaching space, library, small theater, and gymnasium. The openness of the space offers a free and inclusive atmosphere, and functions as the daily education space for 400 children between the ages of 2-5. Positioned adjacent to the old courtyard, the new learning space opens towards the historic buildings. This gives the children alternating views between old and new, deepening their understanding of time and dimension. In turn, the new building also has been realized to respect three, ancient trees on the site. It envelopes them in a way that while preserving their presence, also echoes the existing courtyard space, bringing the outdoors in, and flooding the interior with natural sunlight.
In its entirety, the “Courtyard Kindergarten” reveals several architectural elements – a modern building from the 90s, and a traditional courtyard from 400 years ago – that initially seem to be conflicting. MAD’s design retains the authenticity of the original buildings, while allowing them to co-exist with one another, creating a new kind of interaction between them. The openness and richness of the design allows the children to have an objective and true comprehension of the environment that surrounds them. It offers them an understanding of history and place, and the preservation of nature, bringing an inclusiveness between the old and new design – one that adds value to the community.