武汉金地中法仟佰汇商业综合体景观设计项目包括一个文化与艺术中心、商业区和生态购物商场,这个全新的商业综合体项目的设计理念,深植于当地文化和以人为本的可持续性。武汉金地中法仟佰汇商业综合体景观设计项目场所通过开放空间与环境相互交融,多维度绿化设计,塑造时尚与活力的城市客厅,不仅为周边住户提供文化艺术商业区和绿色生态的购物花园,更为商务办公人士提供高品的质现代办公空间,从而创造一种全新的时尚生活方式。一个兼具文化、社会和商业中心,作为家庭、娱乐和工作的场所。 湖北素有荆楚大地之称,是凤凰的发源地。凤凰是楚文化的一面旗帜,贯穿于楚文化,始终在5000年中华民族的历史长河中作为一种吉祥图腾文化。武汉金地中法仟佰汇商业综合体地标性的景观设计运用当代设计反映着武汉的历史文化,凤凰文化(起源于湖北楚国)正是整体景观设计的灵魂,以凤凰羽翼为设计概念,以抽象流畅的景观叙事,流线设计引导着社群聚集和活动空间。让设计深植于当地文化,以人为本可持续的景观设计原则,搭配整体为现代几何特征的建筑风格,并与互动性的水景喷泉和公共艺术品,营造情景化的生活空间,展示其地标性与绝佳的视觉效果设计。
商业综合体广场上一座“太阳能树”定义了中心广场的主要聚集空间,在主娱乐休闲空间中形成一个宽阔的树冠,保护人们并为其遮挡阳光和雨水。在其东侧,凤凰伫立的水池和水舞喷泉的两侧,是由当地树种所组成的多功能儿童玩耍空间,镜面水池和夏季娱乐空间,这四周都是林荫座位,供家长和民众休息观赏。水池广场南侧,标志性大范围的石材座椅,是由当地的石材雕刻而成,相互之间巧妙地产生视觉上互动,设计动线上有意地将人们相遇有机会紧密地结合在一起,在斑驳的树荫中巧妙地进行社交互动。 楚汉凤凰文化与当地自然环境是澳派设计团队来贯穿整体景观设计的灵魂,以楚文化凤凰与梭布垭石林为设计概念,提取灵动的羽毛、色彩与线条,融合到整体设计中,透过这三个设计元素的提炼,打造优美流畅的动线,同时不同区域景观色彩变化呼应着凤凰色彩,打造充满灵动的空间效果。武汉金地中法仟佰汇商业综合体公共区域设计灵感是来自,从捕捉凤凰飞行的瞬间,将它舞动的翅膀和羽毛,与其色彩注入到设计元素中。凤凰的设计语言将公共空间整合起来,同时武汉得天独厚地天然岩石林的环境特色,激发了整个流线切割石座边缘形式的独特设计灵感,从而形成了整个区域周边发展的框架。因此具有节奏感和序列感的羽毛与优美流畅的身体线条,同时表现应用在打造水景与座椅设计、引导性的铺装设计以及流畅的弧线构图,正是演绎灵动空间的律动之动线规划,同时凤凰鲜艳明快的色彩,来提炼整体的环境色彩。
Wuhan, China. Capital of Central province of Hubei, and the setting for the One City development project by Gemdale, with public domain design by Stephen Buckle and the team at ASPECT Studios Shanghai. Comprising a cultural and art centre, commercial precinct and eco-shopping gardens, the design of this new mixed-use project is deeply rooted in local culture and people-oriented sustainability. A cultural, social and commercial centre as a place for family, recreation and work. The brief called for a landmark destination that reflects contemporary Wuhan culture. Our design response abstracts the mythological Chinese Phoenix (originating in Hubei Chu) into a narrative for the flowing landscape whose fluid lines guide people through the social gathering and event spaces. A solar ‘tree’ defines the main gathering space of the central plaza casting an extensive canopy across the main entertainment space sheltering people from sun and rain. To its east, the Phoenix reflection pool and dancing fountains flanked by locally selected tree species is a multifunctional play space for children, reflection pool and summer entertainment space surrounded on all sides with shaded seating for parents and onlookers. South of the water plaza, a series of signature sweeping walls sculptured from local stone, create a visual interplay between each other, structured to deliberately bring people physically closer together to encourage social interaction in the dappled shade. Throughout the public realm, the design captures moments of a bird in flight, a flutter of wings and feathers, colours infused into the elements. A sweeping language of the Phoenix unifies public space, while the dramatic local natural rock forest formations of Wuhan have inspired the form and character of the bespoke precast active edges that frame the perimeter development. Specialist lighting design integrates the precinct’s architecture and landscape, helping it transition for the changing demographic of users from weekdays to evening and weekends. From a place of interaction and commerce to a recreational play space.“Grand and inspiring, humanistic and engaging.