华夏幸福龙溪湖公园景观改造设计项目位于江门市江海高新区新城的中央绿轴尽端,北临龙溪湖,东接绿轴公园。龙溪湖现状周边以工业区为主,它是新城打造的第一个重要节点,连接未来的住宅区,产业办公区,与整个城市生态公园网络。 巴金先生写的《鸟的天堂》一文不但让江门市新会区的这个榕树丛闻名遐迩,而且唤起了人们对大自然的保育意识。小鸟天堂的生态一直得到很好的保护,现在是超过40种鸟类的栖息地,百鸟争鸣的景象是所有游人都不能忘怀的深刻记忆之一。华夏幸福龙溪湖公园景观改造设计项目受此启发,捕捉鸟类飞翔的动态,注入入本地文化元素,如碉楼、蒲葵等,打造龙溪湖畔的“新小鸟天堂”。
江门文脉和小鸟天堂的元素贯穿公园景观:碉楼婚礼亭、蒲葵雕塑、羽毛雕塑、小鸟雕塑,鸟巢滑梯等,使公园成为一张特色城市名片。华夏幸福龙溪湖公园景观改造设计项目于2017年底完成,每逢周末,周边车位难求,游人如织。 公园构建海绵基底,用雨水花园及生态排水系统涵养水源,基地自南向北排水,所有向龙溪湖方向的雨水径流,通过旱溪,下凹雨水花园,预制模块存水设备层层截流,使该区域功能上起到旱时补水,涝时排水的作用。
CFLD Jiangmen Dragon Creek Park is located on the end of the central green corridor of Jianghai New Tech District. It is abut the dragon creak lake and connects to the green corridor park. The dragon Creek park is the first important node, playing an important role for future residential areas, office areas and the city’s entire ecosystem park network. Bird’s Paradise in Jiangmen is a well-known prose written by Chinese author Mr Ba Jin, it introduces an island that is dominated by one huge banyan tree. The island is well protected and becomes habitats for more than 40 species of birds. Inspired by Bird’s Paradise, landscape design captures the flying movement of birds, creating a new paradise for citizens. The original Dragon Creek Park is an ordinary lakeside green belt. There is only one jogging trail and sparse planting. The location is remote and inaccessible. The main purpose of the landscape renovation is to provide the surrounding citizens with a new type of ecological park integrating recreation, leisure and fitness. The project is divided into three functional zones and connected by the greenway network. The western Ecological Zone includes a celebration party lawn, a rain garden, and a resting area. The central Energize Zone includes fitness area, chess court, and a huge children play area. On the east side is the Citizens’ Zone. This zone includes the center axis, zen garden, and wedding lawn. The entire project is a 24-hour open public park. The park constructs a sponge base, uses a series of rain gardens and an ecological drainage system to conserve water. All stormwater runoff toward the Lake passes through dry pebble beds, rain gardens, and prefabricated modular storage facilities. The ecology ideas is to reserve water when dry, and drain when flooded.