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居住区设计的初衷源于生活,因此,在万科 • 佛山金域滨江居住区景观设计项目启动之初,与其说做一个充满 “亮点和场景”的环境美化,景观设计师更希望通过景观来传递,感染和调剂人们的生活方式,心理状态以及与自然之间的关系,塑造一种帮助人们回归最简单真实状态的景观。 社区里又一个半下沉的交流空间,景观设计的灵感源于古时佛山被誉为“天下四大聚”-也就是今天说的经济枢纽城市,景观设计师通过四把弧形水磨石座椅,相互面对面地放置,潜意识中促进和鼓励邻里之间的社交。 这个社区空间的大小也可以作为一个小型活动以及社区会议进行使用。由于佛山气候炎热,为了提供更舒适更适合停留的户外环境,整个社区下沉空间由一个通高6m的方形廊架所遮盖,中间透空以获取更多天光,廊架底部为镜面不锈钢,使得空间感进一步放大。
社区中央镜子一般的水面无限延伸竖向维度,获得更立体的空间,并将归家的内心第一时间沉淀下来,映出瞬间宁静与安心,三个浮于水面之上的玻璃钢雕塑景观小品,也是是品质江景生活的浓缩写照,与此同时,时不时起跳的喷泉, 给人们带来一丝惊喜感和期待。水景底部的深灰色片岩,让池底显得更为沉稳,让倒影感以及镜面效果更突出,同时,片岩天然的色差增加了一丝丰富性。
万科 • 佛山金域滨江居住区景观设计是未来整个社区归家的第一层级空间,景观想创造一种进门即可逃离外围喧嚣都市的归隐感和对比度,一种让人回到家就能沉淀下来的平静和内敛,它就像一个绿色过滤器,把客户身上的尘土,心灵深处的杂质,在这4000平米的翠绿和洁白这两种色彩里净化过滤完成,正所谓“隐一处室外桃园,品人生之繁华”, 与最亲密的家人、志同道合的朋友共享生活的点滴美好,回归内心的安宁,给客户带来具有区分度和辨识度,并体现身份的景观ID。
社区里的游园空间由四个球形种植(毛杜鹃)和一个下凹绿地组成,塑造出了有趣蜿蜒的散步休憩小径,景观设计师想通过相对回旋流转的动线,变相地让人放慢自己的脚步,或驻足于水岸边凝望,或沉醉于毛杜鹃丛中的芳香和雾喷仙境中,或远望于双莫比乌斯环雕塑。 景观设计师从三个方面入手开始方案构思:1.便捷快速的归家流线:景观设计师用最直接的方式(而非曲折蜿蜒将人们与楼宇之间联系起来,形成快速归家,快速出门的通过性流线,把本身不大的庭院最大化和中心化;2.简约统一的材质和色调:从即视感出发, 社区几乎只用了两种色调的表达- 绿色和白色(绿色是最令人放松的颜色,白色是最干净的颜色);3.弹性灵活的功能空间:景观设计师认为未来是一个社交社会,居住区里亦是如此,因此在设计中景观设计师尽可能预留一些可以用来聚会,交流的场所,而并不是靠繁复的绿化去填塞空间而牺牲了未来大量人流活动的可能性。
The gateway anchors an overflow water table in the center, which encompasses a generous drop-off in front of the entrance. Aligned with the centerline of entrance space, the water feature also leads your view towards the garden inside through a translucent stainless steel screen, which introduces the garden with a mysterious mask. Then how do we do it? There were 3 things we looked into: easy circulation, simplified landscape color palette and flexible landscape programs. There won’t be any unnecessary detour before people get home. So, a straightforward loop connecting all residential towers sets up the basic framework of space. For color palette/texture, green and concrete white dominates the overall landscape. Green is probably the most relaxing color and white makes people feel clean and pure. Other than that, few colors are used. Lastly, we believe social is the key in a community environment and people love talking to each other and even love venting by him/herself in certain corner. Therefore, the design intended to reserve as much space as possible for people gathering, activities rather than brushing a trunk of chaotic vegetation,leaving little space for people. Due to the simplicity and singularity of this landscape characters, we were so serious about material selections including both hardscape texture and planting palette. There are 3 categories for our material selection. The walkway navigates the quickest route to each 3 residential towers. It’s covered by a 4m high single-side cantilever structure with white aluminum panel coated. The structure not only allows 360 panoramas to the central garden but also mitigate the visual pressure of heavy structure.