Stadtgarten Zug城市社区公园景观规划设计
Project Name:
Stadtgarten Zug (City Garden Zug) Stadtgarten Zug城市社区公园景观设计Location:CityZugDesign: Planetage landscape architects, ZürichMarceline Hauri, Christine Sima, Karolina Katsabi, Helge Wiedemeyer, Ramon Iten Thomas Volprecht (Planwirtschaft)Construction Management: Kolb Landschaftsarchitektur, Zürich, Thomas KolbONEProject Type:城市公园景观设计 住宅区景观商业景观 花园景观设计 社区公园景观设计 社区花园 社区花园景观设计Key words: Stadtgarten Zug 城市社区 公园 景观规划设计 景观 设计 城市公园 景观 社区花园城市公园 城市 广场 中央公 园 绿地系统 All photos :©Ralph Feiner, Malans Text译:zoscape 图片由Ralph Feiner 提供- 版权所有
该社区公园位于Zug城市Zugerberg和Kirchenstrasse之间的区域,区域内有St. Oswalds教堂和市图书馆及州图书馆。业主和甲方希望将该区域改造成为公共城市花园。这个城市花园应连接至旧城区的人行道路网,同时将图书馆主楼和阅读室连接在一起。景观设计面临的主要挑战是斜坡区域旁边有一个70年代建立的大型半隐藏公共停车场。停车场车道与社区公园用地相交。
该社区公园项目由Planetage landscape architects与Ramser Schmid architects合作完成,项目在当年景观建筑大赛上获得了评审团一致好评,称赞道:"在地形高差设计上,设计师在上下层之间巧妙地植入木结构装置,地形边缘的布局令人惊喜而折服,新项目为市民提供了一个新的休憩场所。"建筑师并未将大型地下停车场隐藏起来,而是认可停车场的存在并将一部分显露出来,除此之外还通过木栅栏结构来突显停车场空间。
The former arsenal area in the city of Zug to be re-shaped essentially comprises the space between the Zugerberg- and the Kirchenstrasse, with St. Oswalds-Church and both locations of the city- and the cantonal library of Zug. The client and area owner wanted a public city garden, connected to the existing pedestrian network of the old town, which should also link the location of the main library building to the location of the reading room. The particular challenge was, that this place is occupied by a large-scale public parking garage, which is partially visible,
protrudes from the sloped terrain and its driveway intersects the area, since the 70s.
The winner of the competition for landscape architecture, announced in 2010, was the project oben I unten (up I down) from Planetage landscapearchitects and Planwirtschaft in collaboration with Ramser Schmid architects. The jury report praised “the clever insertion of a customized fitting component between the upper and the lower level with a surprising and convincing layout of the terrain edge. This is where new offers for a 'stay' are concentrated.” Instead of hiding the huge building volume of the underground parking by topographical accumulation of soil, the planners cknowledged the presence of this building and decided to expose parts of it, to complement its construction and enhance it by a paneling.
Stadtgarten Zug城市社区公园景观规划设计
Stadtgarten Zug城市社区公园景观规划设计